Anyone who loves a good massage will also be familiar with the option anxiety that can hit you when looking at the huge list of different types at any given salon. Should you try the Swedish or Thai massage? What’s the difference between the two? And what about if the therapist asks if you want oil? Does it improve the experience? To answer these questions, I spoke to Michael Rekow, lead massage therapist at Massage Envy. I give you, a glossary of massage types and their benefits!
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Swedish massage
What is it?
Swedish massage is a full body massage using “kneading, draining and long gliding strokes performed in the direction of blood flow back towards the heart”, Michael explains.
What are the benefits?
It is deeply relaxing, improves blood flow, assists lymphatic drainage and relieves nervous tension. “[Swedish massage] is known to improve oxygen levels in the bloodstream, improve joint mobility and assist the body in the removal of toxins.”
Who is it best for?
Michael says that everyone will benefit from Swedish massage but it is especially beneficial for those with “sedentary lifestyles or who are returning to health after an accident or illness”.
Thai massage
What is it?
A Thai massage does not use any oils or lotions and is “completed on a mat or mattress on the floor”. The recipient of a Thai massage is clothed throughout the treatment. Michael explains that this type of massage includes “constant contact as the practitioner applies deep pressure, compressions and stretching along [the] energy lines of the body”. The stretches are “yoga-like and performed while the body is supported by the practitioner”.
What are the benefits?
Thai massage is also deeply relaxing and can “improve joint mobility, blood flow and digestion”.
Who is it best for?
A Thai massage is great for anyone who is in need of stress relief or is suffering from joint pain.
Deep tissue massage
What is it?
Michael explains that a deep tissue massage uses techniques that affect the deep layers of the body “to correct and improve chronic patterns of tension”. The practitioner will use their thumbs, fingers, elbows and palms and the movements are “slow, deep and targeted to common tension areas such as the lower back, neck, upper back and legs”.
What are the benefits?
A deep tissue massage helps to break congestion in the muscles and release “deep layers of long held tension” which will improve the overall functioning of the body.
Who is it best for?
This type of massage is best for people who are recovering from an injury or “have adhesions that are limiting movement or causing pain”.
Aromatherapy massage
What is it?
An aromatherapy massage is performed with essential oils. Michael clarifies that essential oils can be used in nearly all forms of massage but when used in aromatherapy massage, “the oils are selected for their therapeutic action on the client”. The oils are traditionally applied to the body using a “gentle Swedish style of massage but there are many methods for application”.
What are the benefits?
The main benefits of aromatherapy massage are a “deeper sense of relaxation and calmness” and many of the oils have strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, “which can assist those who have [a] lowered immunity”.
Who is it best for?
This type of massage is ideal for those who are always on the go and need to relax and unwind. It can also help to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.
Oils or no oils?
For all forms of massage other than an aromatherapy massage, the use of essential oils is optional and depends on personal preference. Michael explains that there are many benefits of using essential oils for massage, including “[promoting a state of] mental calm and emotional upliftment to spiritual insight and inspiration.” He also notes, “Pharmacologically, essential oils contain chemicals and aromatic compounds that assist the body in fighting infection and reducing pain and discomfort.” When used in massage, these oils can increase circulation and reduce water retention.
Do you get massages often? What type of massage is your favourite?
It does sound weird but it’s very easy to get used to! I like it when my hubby massages me and I don’t even need an appointment (or $!)
omg skitz! do they?! I’m not sure then if they would be right for me. I might have to just try and see.
lol … I know – this has been a great help for me too !
Yes I have had a couple in my life too – the rest were just one’s hubby has given me at home. I want to get serious and find one I can see regularly.
Yup it’s a bit like that!! I am going to look into one’s around here this afternoon and try to book in.
Oh what a great idea -! I think I will try to commit to that – I think it would be good for m e.
I know right! My hubby’s downstairs atm so I think I’ll just duck down there for a minni…….
deep tissue massage sounds right for me but I love the sounds of the relaxing aromatherapy massage too.