What exactly is Ayurvedic medicine?

What exactly is Ayurvedic medicine?

They’re age-old disciplines, but holistic healing activities such as yoga, mediation and acupuncture have had a resurgence in popularity in the last few years. Ayurveda is one such practise that uses all these disciplines to help heal and rebalance the body, but what exactly is it? Let’s find out…

Ayurvedic medicine – or Ayurveda – is an ancient Indian health practise based on the belief that a human’s health and wellness is dependant on the balance between mind, body and spirit. It consists of a number of different holistic disciplines, and aims – rather than fight disease – to promote good health, eliminate disease and body dysfunctions, and preserve life.

Ayurveda theory states the universe is made up of five elements – air, fire, water, earth and ether – and these elements are represented in humans through three basic types of energy (also known as ‘Doshas’). The three basic Doshas are: Vata, which controls the functioning of the body; Pitta, which controls the body’s metabolic systems; and Kapha, which is responsible for body growth. If these energies are disturbed by factors such as stress, unhealthy diet or strained relationships, it is believed that disease or illness results. Ayurvedic practitioners use personalised disciplines, including diet, herbal medicine, yoga, aromatherapy, meditation, massage and acupuncture, to help rebalance your Doshas and rid the body of illness as a result.

Ayurveda also works on the principle that human beings are able to take charge of their life and their body’s ability to heal itself. And although different people may have similar diseases, treatment plans provided by Ayurvedic practitioners often vary greatly. This is because Ayurvedic concepts state each person has a unique pattern of energy, which needs to be treated individually. This unique pattern of energy is also responsible for your mental, physical, and emotional characteristics.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of holistic disciplines or have tried western medicines without great results, if you’re suffering from an illness, feeling unwell or just need to de-stress, an Ayurveda practitioner could help you by suggesting appropriate disciplines and herbal medications to rebalance your energies, which could help to heal your body.

If you’re keen unwind and balance your energies at home through relaxation and meditation, these beauty products will make a wonderful addition to your kit. Palmolive has recently released an Ayurituel Body Wash range, inspired by the ancient Indian Ayuverdic tradition. There are three delightful variations available – Ayurituel Joyous, Ayurituel Tranquility, and Ayurituel Energy – and each one is a perfect addition to a relaxing bath or shower. Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Frankincense Pure Essential Oil is also wonderful when it comes to calming an overworked body and mind; and The Body Shop Wellbeing Total Energy Pulse Point Balm will uplift, energise and boost your body and senses.

Have you heard of Ayurvedic medicine and Ayurveda? Have you visited an Ayurveda practitioner before? And do you believe in holistic healing methods such as yoga, aromatherapy and meditation?

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