How five minutes of ‘me’ time can change your life

How five minutes of ‘me’ time can change your life

Every day we put our minds and bodies through a world of stress. From the pressure of work and deadlines, to ensuring the kids are happy and healthy, to dealing with relationship issues and every day dramas, life always manages to throw us many a curveball.

When stress kicks in, you start to feel that tightening in the chest, rush of endorphins and all of a sudden you’re exhausted – and it’s not even lunchtime yet! This is when it’s time to think about your needs and step outside for some much-needed ‘me’ time. Yes, we’ve all heard of it, but did you know that taking just five minutes of ‘me’ time a day can actually work wonders for your wellbeing and even improve your relationships?

“It’s important to have ‘me’ time as it allows our body, mind and spirit to rest and restore. Taking time for yourself allows you to renew, heal, and create reserves of energy and peace,” says Carolyne Gowan, a meditation teacher from Here, Carolyne explains the benefits of taking a little time out.

The benefits of ‘me’ time

It helps you focus better
“‘Me’ time helps you to reboot your brain. Being by yourself with no distractions gives you the chance to clear your mind, focus, and think more clearly.”

It improves productivity
“Taking time out helps to improve concentration and increase productivity. You are better able to concentrate if you can remove all distractions around you, and this means you will get more work done in less time.”

It frees your mind
“’Me’ time provides time for you to think deeply. Being trapped in a daily to-do list doesn’t give you the time to engage with your thoughts, and this affects your creativity and work ethic.”

It improves your relationships
“By spending time with yourself and gaining a better understanding of who you are and what you desire in life, you’re more likely to make better choices about who you want to be around.”

How to take ‘me’ time

Plan your ‘me’ time
“Don’t expect ‘me’ time to appear magically. Consider it as an important appointment, like that of a doctor’s. Make a list of things you like doing, and schedule time for it through out the month ahead.”

Get among that fresh air
“Leave your workplace every day – whether that be at the office or at home. Go for a walk, sit in the park, have a green juice – just spend some time away from your routine. Any form of exercise is incredibly beneficial also.”

Embrace meditation
“Meditate every day for 20 minutes. It allows you to spend time in stillness to re-energise, gain more clarity, and reduce stress and anxiety.”

Do you take ‘me’ time every day? How do you take five minutes to relax?

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