I’ll be honest with you – as much as people rave about the benefits of laser skin resurfacing treatments, the thought of putting a laser to my face scares the hell out of me. Call me a coward, call me behind the times, but right now, I’m just not going to do it.
But that’s not to say I don’t still want the smooth, beautiful skin that comes with the aforementioned laser treatments. So you can imagine how happy I was to discover that Clinique are just about to launch (this weekend in fact) a new product designed to deliver similar skincare benefits to that of a laser treatment.
The product is called Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus Wrinkle & UV Damage Corrector (a mouthful I know, so let’s just call it ‘Laser Focus’ from now on), and is a breakthrough serum uniquely formulate to work day and night to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and repair and prevent UV damage – all with results remarkable close to a dermatological laser treatment.
If you’re wondering how a small serum can compete with a mighty machine, here’s how it works:
– A potent blend of three patented repair enzymes (brought about through 20 years (!!) of clinical study) work to help visibly reverse the appearance of UV damage.
– A high-level peptide complex helps to boost natural collagen production, diminishing wrinkles and leaving skin firmer.
– And finally, a cocktail of free radical-fighting ingredients work to protect your skin from environmental aggressors and future damage.
Don’t believe me? How about this clinical trial fact:
Just three drops of Laser Focus used twice daily for 12 weeks will achieve 63 per cent of the visible wrinkle reducing power of a laser.
Don’t know about you, but if it means improved skin without having to undergo a laser procedure, I’m definitely going to give it a go!

What’s the most drastic thing you’ve ever done for your skin?