You don’t need to overhaul your entire skin care regimen to get better skin – making a few simple adjustments to what you already do could be all you need. Watch the video above to find out my favourite tips for supercharging your skin care routine.
Don’t feel like watching the video? Check out my top tips below…
Tip #1: Boost cleansing
Step up your everyday cleansing routine by using a muslin cloth with your regular cleanser. Simply apply a cleanser like Kosmea Purifying Cream Cleanser to your face and hold a warm, damp muslin cloth such as Kosmea Five Minute Facial Muslin Cloth over your face for five seconds.

Gently massage your face with the cloth using circular motions, rinse with cold water, then hold it over your face again for five seconds. This process will help to not only cleanse your skin, but also exfoliate it for a glowing complexion.

Tip #2: Boost hydration
Give your skin a hit of hydration by layering a facial oil under your moisturiser or serum to help lock in moisture for longer. Firstly, warm a few drops of an antioxidant-rich oil such as Kosmea’s Radiance 24/7 Youth Boost between your fingertips and gently press and massage it into your skin.

Secondly, wait a few minutes for the oil to absorb before applying your moisturiser or serum. We love Kosmea Eighth Natural Wonder Revitalising Facial Serum as it helps to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Tip #3: Boost the eye area
Starting with the inner corner of your eyes and working outwards, apply a small amount of Kosmea’s Apple of My Eye Cream using your ring finger by carefully patting it into your skin, until you reach your temples. This formula contains a rare type of apple that helps to protect the longevity of skin stem cells and delay their deterioration.

Prone to puffiness? Store your eye cream in the fridge so when you apply it, it helps to cool your skin and reduce under-eye bags.

What are your top tips for supercharging your skin care regimen?