Cleansing has come a long way since the days of taking your bar of body soap up to your face for an all over squeaky clean. These days women want more from their products, and as our time is so precious, we want each time we tend to our skin to make a difference.
Which is why it’s so important to tend to your skin with something that promises to look after it, as well as provide solutions for any skin issues you may be battling.
Luckily for you, we’ve got the perfect cleansing crew…
Meet the Palmer’s cleansing superstars. No matter what your skin needs, odds are one of these hard-working products will be your knight in skin-saving armour.
If you’re looking to plump and refine dull and tired skin, look no further than the Palmer’s Daily Cleansing Gel. Enriched with retinol shea butter, this cream dream will make sure your complexion stays smoothed, soothed and youthful.
If you’re battling dull and dry skin, you’ll love Palmer’s Gentle Daily Cleanser.
Containing vitamin E and primrose oil, your skin is bound to look bright and feel fresh for longer. The combination of cocoa and shea butters help to nourish dehydrated skin and provide an all-over glow.
How do you make your skin routine more effective?
While you’re in skin-fixing mode, say sayonara to your stretch marks too…