My friend recently got a cold sore. A big, blistering, scabby cold sore – and it completely freaked me out.
After happily sharing drinks and lip gloss with her for as long as I can remember, I was suddenly watching her every move to make sure that nothing of mine touched anything of hers, and vowing to never, ever let anything that passed her lips go near mine. Ever again. I’m a nice friend huh?
But as bad as I felt, I just couldn’t help it – the cold sore brought out a paranoia in me I didn’t know I had, and there was nothing I could do to control it.
As luck would have it, this happened at around the same time as our Compeed® Cold Sore Patch Trial Team road-test. But, of course, as luck would have it, we’d already sent off all our samples. And so, when all I wanted to do was throw an entire shelf full of Compeed® Cold Sore Patches at her and run to the hills for the few days it would take to heal it, I couldn’t.
Instead I calmly directed her to the chemist and she equally as calmly purchased one for herself. And lo and behold, in a few days, her cold sore was all but clear and I could go back to being the supportive friend I usually was.
Have you had a cold sore nightmare? Click here to tell us your experience and you could win one of two Endota Spa ‘Bliss’ packages…