What if we told you that there’s a facial treatment oil that supports a charity and also reduces the appearance of fine lines and scars? Well, thanks to Celeste Barber and Eco Tan founder Sonya Driver, that oil exists!
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They’ve partnered to raise money for Rafiki Mwema, a charity that helps support children who’ve suffered trauma in Kenya. With a goal of $100,000, Sonya Driver has donated 2000 Certified Organic Glory Oils for sale with 100% of the sales going to Rafiki Mwema.
“Money doesn’t drive me, helping others does, it’s my calling and nothing fulfils me more,” Sonya said in a statement about the project.
Image via @ecotan
The Certified Organic Glory Oil is a night and day treatment that can reduce the appearance of fine lines and scars. And one of its biggest fans is Celeste Barber, Rafiki Ambassador and the comedian behind the funniest celeb parodies on Instagram.
Image via ecotan.com.au
“This is not only an oil that will change your life, but it will now change the lives of hundreds of children in Kenya,” Celeste said.
beautyheaven also loves the Ella Baché Botanical Skin Treatment Oil and endota spa Organics – Multi-Vitamin Treatment Oil.
To support the cause, you can purchase one of the Glory Oils for $49.95. Just make sure to enter the code RAFIKI at checkout to donate the purchase.
To find out more, you can visit http://ecotan.com.au/product/glory-oil-miraculous-treatment-oil/. And for a laugh, you can also visit @celestebarber on Instagram.
What do you think of Celeste Barber and Eco Tan founder Sonya Driver partnering to raise money for charity? Do you use any treatment oils?