As a girl with a combination-to-oily skin type, I’ve always been prone to the odd breakout.
I’m all too familiar with how it feels to wake up with a blindie pulsating on my chin – and don’t get me started on my most-painful-of-all-time pimple, which took over the tip of my nostril (ouch).
Thank goodness for concealer, amirite?! Whether you just woke up with a blemish or you’re still waiting for that scar to fade, you can probably relate to these 16 pimple truths.
1.You wake up feeling like Sleeping Beauty… but then you feel that familiar throb on your chin/cheek/forehead. You touch it gingerly and confirm your worst fears. It’s a pimple. *Rushes to mirror*

2.You peer quizzically at your blemish from different angles, struggling to resist the urge to touch it. It’s actually not so bad. Yet.

3.It’s time for a shower. You carefully cleanse your face, trying not to nudge the pimple too much. It occurs to you that you could be spreading the bacteria. You pray you are not.

4.Now comes the big decision – whether or not to cover the thing. Putting concealer over the zit could make it worse… but it’ll stop you touching it, which is a good thing. You decide to cover it.

Related: Why am I breaking out?
Related: The truth about blind pimples
5.WHY IS IT SO HARD TO COVER ONE TINY PIMPLE?! It doesn’t matter how much concealer you pile on, it seems to cover the entire circumference of the pimple, without actually concealing the pimple itself. You wipe it off and start again.

bh tip: A medicated concealer such as Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clearing Concealer will help treat the infection, while also offering coverage. A clean concealer brush (as opposed to fingers which can be loaded with dirt and germs) will also work wonders – try Artiste Concealer Brush #1.
6.Despite your best efforts to leave it alone, the blindie is definitely growing. In fact, you’re pretty sure everyone in your train carriage has spotted it. You push half your hair over your face in a desperate attempt to hide it.

7.You stare enviously at the checkout chick/bank teller/co-worker with super clear skin. How did she get this perfect complexion? Has she never binged on chocolate or felt stressed? Does she wash her face with unicorn tears? You consider asking her… but decide that might be a bit weird.

bh tip: She probably has good genetics, but chances are she also uses a good exfoliator. Try Neutrogena Acne Stress Control Power-Clear Scrub, which helps remove oil and pore-clogging dead skin cells, penetrating right to the source of spots. Finish with a salicylic acid-based toner such as Obagi CLENZIderm M.D. Pore Therapy, to remove any remaining acne-causing bacteria.
Related: Everything you need to know about pores
Related: The confused girl’s guide to concealer
8.The blindie is becoming a white head. You are in two minds about this – on the one hand, you are happy it’s no longer just a giant swollen lump. On the other hand, it looks possibly more gross.

9.You treat yourself to ice cream/chocolate cake/hot chips because you feel sorry for yourself. Also, as the pimple has ruined your face, you feel like there’s no point making an effort with your diet. #GirlLogic.

bh tip: While I 100 per cent recommend you #TreatYoSelf at this difficult time, it’s also worth stocking your pantry and fridge with some of these foods for clearer skin. Remember, prevention is better than a cure!
10.You are comforted by the fact that celebs get pimples too. You’re not alone in your struggle. In fact, you may even emerge as glowing and gorgeous as Katy Perry!

11.The time has come to squeeze this thing. What did that article say about doing it correctly? You decide a clean tissue and a gentle squeeze is the way to go.
bh tip: If it won’t pop, try applying a warm face cloth to the affected area. This will help draw the pus up and out. If all else fails, try applying an anti-acne product, such as Yes To Tomatoes Acne Spot Stick, which is formulated with tea tree oil to help dry out and heal blemishes.

Related: 7 products that’ll help you get rid of pimples
Related: The emotional stages of getting a manicure
12.Despite your best effort, the pus isn’t coming out and it’s getting redder and redder and you are pretty much on the verge of tears. You drag yourself away from the mirror and decide to just go to bed. Tomorrow will be better.

13.You wake up the next morning and finally see an improvement! It’s beginning to heal! There is a God, and (s)he’s on your side!

14.You feel your confidence returning. You – not the pimple – are in control. You walk with sass: Dream job and/or future husband, here we come!

15.How long are acne scars supposed to last? You don’t mean to sound demanding, but this one is taking its sweet time to fade. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to cover now. No one will ever know…

bh tip: Acne scarring can take considerable time to fade. Try to be patient, and in the meantime, opt for a light moisturiser such as zk’in organic Rebalancing Lotion, which is formulated with vitamin E (to help reduce inflammation) and vitamin A (to stop skin congestion).
16.You wake up, and… you can’t even. There’s another one. You brace yourself for the ride.

Can you relate to any of these pimple truths? How do you deal with unwanted blemishes?
I don’t dare to even touch it but yet my friends have the urge to help. I had to distance myself whenever her finger was itching to pop it.