It seems that eight glasses of water a day just won’t cut it. Sure your insides may be cleansed, but what about your skin? Your hair? Your lips? They’re in dire need of hydration too – and they are always thirsty.
So quench their thirst with some marvellous products designed to pack a powerful moisture shot, banishing scaly skin and straw-like locks in their stride.

“Carmex is my all time favourite conditioning lip balm. I keep one in the car, one in my handbag and one on my bedside table! I work as a nurse and was really happy to find the tube version because it can be applied without having to touch my mouth, which is a plus in my field of work. No other lip balms ever satisfy me or work the same as Carmex! I take it with me everywhere and it is definitely a product I cannot live without!” Rating: 5/5 – Elise123
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