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Mum & Baby

OMG. Bub’s got the beauty bug

OMG. Bub’s got the beauty bug

I’ve just discovered my 8-month-old daughter sitting on the bathroom floor covered in as many creams, lotions and beauty potions as she could get her crafty little hands on. Yes, it could have been worse. Far worse. I could have chanced upon her slathering bathroom cleaner over her delicate skin. … Read more

Mothers of all invention

Mothers of all invention

I rate myself pretty highly as a multitasker. I can eyeline, straighten my hair and scoff breakfast in sync. Sometimes while checking my email, and usually while ironing an outfit. But add a baby bouncing on my hip and I know I’d be sunk. So as I hold my single … Read more

The beauty of breastfeeding

The beauty of breastfeeding

Bh’s resident mum blogs about why stopping breastfeeding can make you feel anything but beautiful. And give you a frizzy fringe. Tune in to find out what prolactin’s got to do with it and how you can get back to your smooth, shiny self…

After-belly blues

After-belly blues

There’s something really lovely about having a big, round pregnant belly. Yes, it’s hot in summer, uncomfortable at night and disappointing when your favourite top no longer fits, but then there’s the warm, fuzzy feeling that comes with pregnancy. Strangers smile sympathetically in the street, friends and family rally around … Read more

Get up and glow

Get up and glow

I haven’t written an update for a while and I’m not making excuses (okay, so I am a little) but I’ve had my hands full changing nappies, feeding, bathing baby and all the other things that come with being a mum. And amid all this I’ve realised that trying to … Read more

Disguising sleep deprivation

Disguising sleep deprivation

Spending the night soothing your teething bub has an unjust way of showing the following morning – usually in the form of a pale, lacklustre complexion; tired, red eyes; bags and dark circles. Thankfully, a few magical make-up tips can have you looking fresh as a daisy in no time… … Read more

Beauty and your baby

Beauty and your baby

The first priority of pregnancy is obviously a healthy, happy bub. But that doesn’t mean you want to stop giving yourself a little pampering and polish too. How do you know what’s safe for you and baby? This week, Bh asks the experts some common questions about beauty products and … Read more