For me, wipes have always meant baby bottoms or kitchen bench cleansers – but what I’ve come to realise is they’re so much more than that.
There are handy dandy wipes for almost every task – they’re multi-tasking machines that aim to make our lives easier, and boy do they do just that.
Just the other day I enjoyed two kinds of wonder wipes: Self tanning wipes (in the form of Swisspers Self Tan Wipes), and Bloom Nail Polish Remover Wipes, that make my constant nail colour indecisiveness that much easier to deal with.
Over the past few months I’ve also fallen for Australis Cosmetics 3in1 Wipes, they’ve come to be my slumber party savior when I break all beauty rules and simply can’t be bothered to remove the day’s make-up with cleansing and tedious toning (I know, please suppress your gasps!).
I do, however have to declare that so far my uppermost favourite single-use swipers to cross my desk are the Dermalogica Solar Defense Wipes with SPF 15. They give me the protection I need without being gluggy or guilty of tell-tale sunscreen stench. I do believe this will be a long-term love affair – and there are many more space-saving, time-reducing products to get acquainted with. I just know I won’t stop until I meet them all…

What wipe wonders make your life easier?
Wotnots make great wipes too