What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

Have you ever had a nickname that’s doesn’t seem to make any sense at all but that’s stuck with you over the years? I have – it’s ‘Sparky Tuna’, or ‘Stuna’ for short. Slightly odd and totally random, I know.

Here’s how it came about: when I was living in London my friend’s boyfriend started calling me ‘Sparky’ on account of the fact that I always seemed to have a lot of energy (who wouldn’t when your biggest daily decision was where to travel to next?) I also had quite a liking for tuna. So much so that one day, as I was cracking open what was probably my third tin of the day, my friend’s boyfriend said, “I can’t believe how much tuna you eat – it’s like ‘tuna’ is your middle name!” And so, ‘Sparky Tuna’ was born.

So why am I telling you all this? Well, I happened to have recently stumbled across a very entertaining forum thread about our beauties and how they got their ‘online’ names. Here are a few that I think are pretty funny:

Beautyqueen’s friend’s online name is ‘Superglue’. Why? Because she had a habit of superglueing important pieces of paper on to her (now ex) boyfriend while he was sleeping. That’s what we call a strong reminder!

Glamglee came up with her name while watching an episode of Glee on her laptop. The addition of ‘glam’ to the title definitely gives a good ring to it!

Zompea – a combination of the words zombie and snowpea – got her cute forum name from a joke that started when she was in year six.

Why is Jatz called that? She wasn’t well the day that she signed up to bh so was only eating Jatz crackers and black tea. When it came time to creating a username she looked around, saw the crackers and Jatz it was!

Click here to read how some of the other beauties got their nicknames

Do you have a certain nickname or online name? How did you get it?

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