The stress-free way to get ready for work

The stress-free way to get ready for work

We all dread that Monday morning, don’t we? Having to get up, go to work, get our face on, do the hair etc, etc. Well, here’s a little guide on how to help get ready for work quicker, so you look great, but don’t miss out on that beauty sleep either.

When it comes to clothes, I like to get my outfits ready at the weekend, iron what needs to be ironed and get the accessories (if you are wearing any) ready as well. Call me pedantic, but this sure beats running around like a mad woman in the morning and trying to iron clothes, wearing that same dress that doesn’t need ironing or, worse still, go to work all wrinkled up. Trust me, ladies, you can iron clothes while catching up on Pretty Little Liars or whatever show you may be into.

I don’t know about you, but I like to wash my hair every day. If you are the same, then what you need to do is get a good hairdryer, section your hair in tiny little bits and this will ensure that your hair is dried quite quickly. Then, run a GHD through it and voilà – you’re ready to go! Alternatively, if you’re not into the daily hair-washing thing or you’re running really late, dry shampoo and a donut bun are your best friends.

Makeup-wise, keep it simple for work if you don’t have much time on your hands. Getting plenty of sleep, cleansing your skin and keeping it hydrated will make it easier to slap on some foundation or a bb cream and your skin will look super-healthy. Add some blush, eyeliner and mascara and finish it off with a pretty lipstick; it’s quicker to add a pop of colour to your lips than to your eyes if you are trying to be quick.

Whoever knows me knows how much I love nails. Make sure your nails are always nice and pretty. If you don’t have time to redo your manicure, at least take off chipped nailed polish – you can’t look polished if your nails are all chipped and unhappy-looking.
These are some of the things that help me get through the week with minimal stress. If you have time this weekend, plan some more. Plan your outfits, make-up, hair, nails, everything! It will make your life easier during the week and you will look good without stressing every morning.

Finally, wherever you go, make sure to wear a big beautiful smile to complete your look!

How do you deal with weekday madness? Do you plan ahead? Do you spend long on doing your hair and make-up?

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