Wish you had J.Lo’s long legs or Gigi’s sixpack? Although both of these stars are very genetically blessed (shout out to Yolanda Hadid!), it’s no secret that behind their perfect bodies is a skilled glam squad. In the same way you chisel your cheekbones, body makeup can be used to contour your legs, abs, neck, collarbones, arms and even to boost your bust.
For a special event, big party or just to feel like a Victoria’s Secret model for the night, taking a few extra minutes to apply body makeup can sculpt you into shape quicker than any Ab Master 3000.
Don’t believe me? Try some of the following techniques for yourself and feel like a celebrity in five minutes or less!
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Longer legs
If you want to show some leg, there are a few tricks you can try for red carpet-ready pins. An instant tanning lotion or leg spray will even out the skin on your legs and mask imperfections such as scars, stretchmarks and improve the appearance of cellulite. Apply the product with a tanning mitt and let it dry for a few minutes before getting dressed. Once you’re happy with the depth of colour, apply a cream highlighter down the centre of your legs to create the illusion of longer, lengthier legs.
bh loves: M.A.C Strobe Cream, Models Prefer Instant Glow Face and Body Highlighter, Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs
Supermodel abs
Think sculpted abs aren’t on the cards for you? Think again. If you want to create the look of daily crunches, all you need is an instant tanning lotion and a makeup brush or sponge. To start, simply blend the tanning lotion down your abdomen in a vertical line, finishing at your belly button. Flex and find where your abdomen muscles are located. Once you’ve found them, blend the tanning lotion in between the horizontal grooves that form around the muscles. Draw two more vertical lines from your ribcage to your hipbones and then blend all of the bronzed areas until everything is seamless.
bh loves: St. Tropez Instant Tan Wash Off Face & Body Lotion, Clinique Self Sun Face Bronzing Gel Tint, Jbronze Instant Tanning Cream

Slimmer neck and collarbones
For a slimmer neck, try using a powder bronzer to bronze your entire neck so it’s a shade or two darker than your face. If you want to hide a double chin try concentrating the bronzer underneath the chin. This will make your jawline appear more angular.
To make your collarbones pop, use a cream contour or a foundation stick in a darker shade to draw a line above and underneath each collarbone. Blend out both lines until they are less obvious and then apply a liquid illuminator on top of your collarbone to make it stand out.
bh loves: Designer Brands Cream Contour Kit, Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation Stick, Maybelline New York FITme Foundation Stick
Toned arms
Thinking of wearing a strapless top this weekend? Fake toned arms by creating definition with a matte bronzing powder. With a large powder brush, buff a matte bronzer along the underside of your arms. Next, flex your arms and lightly apply the bronzer between your tricep and bicep muscles. Make sure you blend the powder out so that it’s undetectable.
bh loves: NYX Cosmetics Matte Bronzer, Nude by Nature Pressed Matte Mineral Bronzer, ModelCo BRONZE
Enhanced cleavage
Contouring your cleavage is a thing. If you want to boost your bust without the help of a push-up bra, try using makeup to create the illusion of bigger, perkier breasts. Using a contour brush, buff a powder bronzer in between your breasts. Next, follow the natural curves of your breasts and sweep the bronzer over the top to create definition. Finally, brush a highlighting powder over the areas of your breasts that are ‘pushed-up’, under the outline of your contour.
bh loves: The Body Shop Brush on Bronze / Radiance, Milani Cosmetics Tantastic Baked Bronzer, Models Prefer Ultimate Highlighting & Contouring Palette

Have you ever used body makeup? Would you try body contouring?