This Aussie Beauty Brand Is Hitting The Road For A Masterclass Tour

spice girls on a bus

If you’re anything like us, shopping local is up there on your list of non-negotiables. But for the sake of makeup, it gets a little trickier. So, let us introduce you to the Australian beauty brand that’s changing the beauty game. Introducing: Holme Beauty.

The sensitive skin-friendly brand has been developed by leading Aussie makeup artist Hilary Holmes. Designed to embrace and enhance you as you are, the brand is known for their incredible formulas and work towards making beauty as accessible as possible. And now the wisdom of Hilary is right at your finger tips thanks to her near-sell out tour.

Here’s everything you need to know about the ‘Holme Coming Tour’ before you snap up a ticket…

Holme Coming Tour

holme beauty tour bus

Like we said, many of the stops along the tour are in fact already sold out, so when we say sign up to the waitlist or snap up a ticket we mean business. Because this tour is packed with info.

Hilary is bringing her iconic (and often sold-out classes) to you! Plus you’ll get a sneak peak at the brand new product that’s set to launch on the 1st of September. So, what can you expect when you purchase a ticket ($350 at Holme Beauty)?

What to expect?

Well, step aboard the bus! Because, like we said, you’ll be amongst the first to experience and try on the soon-to-be-released new product. Plus, you’ll get the chance to shop and see the whole Holme Beauty range in person (a rare and wonderful treat TBH), while being guided through a signature self-applying makeup class where you’ll learn the fundamentals of makeup application. Because it’s never too late to learn!

But that’s not all, the first 20 attendees at each location will receive exclusive goodie bags filled with all the must-try products from the Holme Beauty brand. Of course, you’ll also enjoy a range of food and drink treats while you explore (a must we think for every event). And the most exciting part of all? You’ll get to meet Hilary and her wonderful team!

Book an experience:

And while you’re there you can book in for one of three experiences that will guide and educate you on your makeup journey. You’ll be able to book in for a totally redeemable shade matching consultation, totally needed for finding your perfect shade.

And because the brand is all about accessibility they’ve also specially designed a one on one lesson that’s tailored to guiding people through the range while taking into account their specific accessibility needs.

Are you ready to go back to basics, hop on the tour and come holme with Holme beauty?

Main Image Credit: Getty

Have you used Holme Beauty before? Will you hit the road for the masterclass tour?

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Comments 22

  1. At $350 you’d hope everyone would get a goody bag! I looked on the website and it does say everyone does get a goody bag so maybe the first 20 are extra special. I’m sure it will be lots of fun.