Everything you need to know about vaginal tightening

Everything you need to know about vaginal tightening

Vaginal tightening: It isn’t always talked about openly, but it’s something an increasing number of women are curious about.  

Why? Well, our vaginas age in the same way as the rest of our bodies, and the consequences of this can sometimes be unpleasant.

The good news is, whether you’re experiencing vaginal atrophy (the degeneration in vaginal tissue, commonly associated with menopause), stress incontinence (or light bladder leakage), vaginal laxity post-childbirth, low sexual gratification or a combination of symptoms, there are vaginal rejuvenation treatments out there that can help.

One such treatment is GynaeLase: a vaginal tightening treatment program that promises to help tighten and rejuvenate your vagina, without the need for surgery.

Interested in finding out more? Watch the video above as bh’s Michelle tells all about vaginal tightening, including frequently asked questions about the GynaeLase treatment.

Still got a burning question? We spoke to Dr Garry Cussell from Rejuvenation Clinics of Australia to get the answers to some of your more specific queries. Scroll down for more…

Are the results permanent? I have read/heard about muscle memory and that it goes back to pre-treatment state.

“The treatment does not affect muscle directly. It stimulates the reproduction of collagen and renewal of the thickness and moisture-holding ability of the vaginal mucosa, to help reinstate lubrication.

“Collagen deteriorates as we age so there is a need for maintenance. [How long results last for] varies for each individual, their presentation and their age. We follow up with patients regularly and only recommend maintenance if their improvement starts to wane, which may be a single treatment once or twice a year.”

Is there a hospital stay required or is it a day procedure?

“No hospital stay is required. It is a simple procedure carried out in a gynaecology room, either using one of our laser treatments or our radio frequency machine. The treatment itself takes around 30 minutes and is a relatively painless procedure, without downtime.”

Are there any restrictions post-procedure, like no lifting weights or exercise?

“As this is an internal treatment on the vaginal and vulval tissue only, there is no restriction post-procedure on lifting weights or babies, or exercise. It is recommended clients abstain from sexual activity for two to five days.”

Does it attract any Medicare rebates?

“Not at this stage, but part of our ongoing research and development will be utilised to make submissions to Medicare and private health funds.”

How much does it cost?

“The cost is $2900 for three treatments (as of December 2016).”

Is the procedure completed by a doctor or a nurse?

“At Specialist Clinics of Australia, the client can choose to see either Dr Garry Cussell or one of our gynaecologists, all of whom are extremely experienced.”

Are there any health risks? For example, does it affect the reproductive system and the ability to give birth etc.?

“There are no known health risks associated with this treatment. It is done locally within the vagina and vulva externally, and has no effect on the cervix, the uterus or ovaries. Therefore, it cannot have an effect on the reproductive system or the ability to give birth.”

What age group is it best suited to?

“There are no age restrictions, it depends on what the presenting concern is. For improvement of vaginal laxity and stress incontinence, most women become aware of these symptoms in their 30s or 40s, but the treatment will work at any age. For the treatment of menopausal dryness and atrophy, most women begin to experience symptoms within a year or two of stopping their periods (usually in their late 40s or 50s).  

“As GynaeLase is a simple laser tightening and strengthening procedure, rather than invasive surgery, it works better for women who treat their symptoms early, before they become too severe.”

A couple of years ago I was invited to trial the MonaLisa laser treatment and had really excellent results after three sessions. Is GynaeLase a similar procedure, or how does it differ from a laser treatment like the MonaLisa?

“GynaeLase is the name we use for three treatment types or modalities. We use the strongest C02 laser available (called MonaLisa Touch in some clinics), as well as the Fotona erbium laser and the ThermiVa radio frequency machines.

“These three machines are presently proving to be the most effective treatment modalities throughout the world. We are currently conducting a major research study comparing and contrasting them to see whether one type of laser or radio frequency treatment has advantages over the others, but so far, our results show that the three treatment modalities are all equally effective.”

Interested in trying Gynaelase? To find out more, visit specialistaustralia.com.au.

Are you interested in trying GynaeLase? Let us know in the comments below! 

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  1. After becoming a mother its really impossible to have tighter vaginal area so my partner bought me vaginal tightening serum from derma lmd it has amazing result I can feel the change in just one month!!