Can women experience sex like men?

Can women experience sex like men?

Since pre-school, we’ve all been aware of the differences between men and women’s ‘private parts’. These differences allow us to make babies but they also mean that men and women experience certain sensations differently. Men will never truly be able to experience the pain of childbirth, and women will apparently never know or understand the agony men experience when kicked in the balls, right? 

And what about sex? Can women ever experience sex the way men do? Well, according to futurist Ian Pearson, by 2040 the answer will be yes. Ian predicts the future of sexual technology will see the creation of a type of ‘skin’ (that can be placed over or under your own), which can be connected to a computer, through which you can program particular sensations. Essentially, it would be like an on-command orgasm. God bless technology.

Ian reckons we’ll even be able to send sensations over networks for other people to experience. Imagine how much more interesting (and fun) Skype sex would be! Ian told Vice Media that this technology would also allow you to store sensations and replay them. So, imagine the best sex of your life? Now imagine being able to replay and experience it again whenever you want … If only we didn’t have to wait a quarter of a century!

As for the most interesting part of this sexual technology, Ian says that the skin will allow women to experience sex as a man through a kind of ‘strap on’ device. Ian imagines the device will feel like a real extension of the woman’s body to feel sensations that a man would, as simulated by the computer. This gender-swapping technology would feel completely real to the user. Mind = blown.

What do you think of this future sex technology? Would you want to know what sex feels like as a man?

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