Just had COVID-19 and received your negative test? Congratulations, you’re free to re-enter society! But, if you’d like this to be your last experience with the virus, we suggest taking a squizz at the household items medical experts recommend replacing post-COVID.
Speaking to Scary Mommy, Dr. Vivek Cherian revealed that regardless of avoiding a COVID reinfection, it’s good practice to regularly disinfect frequently used household items; not just to prevent COVID, (which is rarely contracted in this way), but to limit the spread of other viruses like a flu or stomach bug.
Is it necessary to dispose of your toothbrush after contracting COVID-19?
Yes. In fact, “it’s always good practice to change your toothbrush after any illness, including COVID-19. This is true in general but even more so the case if you share a toothbrush holder with another individual,” he said.
What about contact lenses?
“In general for contact lens wearers, the absolute safest option to decrease the risk of any contact lens-related infection is to use daily disposable lenses, or lenses that you throw in the garbage after wearing for one day,” explained Dr Cherian.
However, there’s no need to stress, “there’s really no data to support the potential transmission of COVID-19 through [your eyeballs].”
What about bathroom and beauty products?
“In general, products that are dispensed without direct contact through a tube such as cleansers, shampoos, or foundation pumps are relatively safe, though you may want to consider cleaning the surfaces with alcohol,” said Dr Cherian.
“Even products that you may dip your finger into and have direct contact with, such as moisturisers, eye shadows, or lipsticks, do not need to be thrown out.” Phew! Otherwise, COVID-19 was looking like one expensive exercise…
Three tips to remember when you have COVID:
1/ Ensure you’re regularly disposing of old cosmetics
Just as you’d toss an old loaf of bread, once beauty products have “gone bad” they must be disposed of. Why? According to Dr Cherian, “cosmetic products do not have an unlimited shelf life”. Though they do contain preservatives, which “can be effective at keeping harmful organisms at bay,” they will lose their effectiveness over time, increasing your risk of exposure to harmful bacteria
2/ Allow your makeup products to air our for 10 days
“There is a lifespan associated with a virus and over a period of time, it will die. If you want to be completely safe after an infection, let beauty products sit around for 10 days before using them again.”
The result? “A good chance that any illness-causing germs would have disappeared by then.”
3/ Don’t share your beauty products
“For yourself, the chance of reinfection by the exact same virus variant is quite low, especially as you have been exposed to it before. However, this is not necessarily the case with another individual,” explained Dr Cherian.
And always remember, a handy travel sized sanitiser – like the Aqium Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser with Aloe ($3.49 at Chemist Warehouse) is going to be a total godsend for when it comes to killing off unwanted bacteria.
Have you had COVID? What items around the house did you replace?
I have’nt had covid yet, my daughter has and I don’t think she disposed of her toothbrush. My contacts get put in a sterile solution and last a fortnight so I don’t think I would toss them straightaway.
oooh yeah – I used to have contacts that needed to be soaked in solution …..i use the daily ones now that I just chuck out every day.
I didn’t know you could get contacts that were used daily. Good idea but does it work out expensive
I’m lucky to have not had Covid, yet!
Me neither but it feels like everyone around me is getting it at the moment…
Not sharing beauty products makes sense. My family and I all had covid at the same time.
But hopefully one will not get re-infected?? We really are not 100% sure of anything. 4 vaccinations and still you can get covid.
People are getting reinfected with the current strain.
I have not had covid yet and I work in the covid frontline.
Thanks for all the work you are doing!
Some handy reminders on hygiene.
Yes I must remind my eldest daughter (if she hasn’t already chucked out her toothbrush) she doesn’t live with us (she’s 24) but she’s just getting over the flu now (and a bacterial infection for which she’s on antibiotics for atm).
I had COVID at the beginning of the month whilst travelling & decided I’d throw out a lipstick + a mascara I used whilst infectious just in case. The lipstick was older, so I could afford to get rid of it (even though it was still ok to use – have replaced it since), but the mascara was relatively fresh. It doesn’t matter as I have other mascaras to use anyway, but good to know I don’t need to do it in future. I have got rid of my travel toothbrush, but still need to disinfect my makeup brushes.
I want to travel up to Port Douglas for a holiday but I am unsure about all the ques at the airport at the moment in sydney – sounds so busy
Dodged it so far!
Yes I think I may have too! I have even lived with my middle daughter (22 years old) who had it in early January and she didn’t pass it on to my other younger daughter either somehow…. must have been the vaccinations! Thankfully! 🙂
Lucky! My hubby and I have COVID but our kids don’t!
One of our daughter’s did (21 years, middle daughter) but my youngest never got it all (17) and I even got her blood tested to make sure but it shows she shows she has immunity from vaccination and no immunity from natural infection which is really interesting because she goes to school and lived in the same house as our middle daughter ! Maybe because she’s triple vaccinated that is working!!
woops, 22 years not 21 years!! lol
Loving the 10 day rule
I don’t know if I’ve had it! I am immunised fully so hopefully that is why I don’t know if I’ve had it or not
I think a lot of people are getting covid and just thinking that it is the flu or a bad cold??
I thought mine was a cold or a very mild flu because of body aches. I had taken RATs that were negative and then bam- tested positive!
Yes I’ve heard of that – some people testing and testing negative and then suddenly they finally test positive after a week or so!
I knew it’s recommended to dispose of toothbrush after fly or even bad cold.
Oh dear, not only suffer through Isolation and sickness, but now how to spend money to replace all these personal items?
Luckily I think it’s only a toothbrush in my case!
I’ve always thrown away my toothbrush following a cold or flu.
Yes – I reminded my eldest daughter who barely lives here anymore (24 years!) and she recently had a fluey thing and I mentioned the toothbrush thing to her
Haven’t had cold for over 11 years now. So all great here and never worried about it, seems I’m immune to everything
Lucky you. Hope you keep well forever.
Hubby and I had it thank goodness both our small kids did not get it. I washed towels, bedding and cleaned the toilet and shower daily. Once we were negative I changed all of our toothbrushes.
I’ve avoided the spicy cough so far. I’m still wearing masks out, washing or sanitising my hands often & sanitising light switches, remotes &c more often.
I think mask wearing is good practice during cold and flu season!
Me too !
I currently have COVID and will definitely dispose of my toothbrush. I’m feeling awful despite being triple vaccinated.
Will continue to wear mask with both Covid and the flu going around.
Great contemporary article!
Interesting read
Oh dear covid is a real problem even if you only get mildly sick you still have to think of all these other things.
Yeah it’s been the most disruptive thing that’s happened I think for many decades in society in
Australia atleast
I did replace my toothbrush head after reading this article.
Such a practical article! Thanks bh
wow need to remember this
I often replace my toothbrush regularly anyway.
Great to know about cosmetics , don’t need to be replaced , however I am unsure about things like lipsticks and lipbalms.
I threw away my toothbrush when I had covid.
This is super informative. Thank you! I was wondering about the toothbrush and lip products.
Haven’t had it yet but I do always replace my toothbrush when I’ve been unwell.
Hopefully we stay safe
interesting reading. I have not had it yet, but know lots who have, good tips.
Good to know!
I only knew about the toothbrush
Ive had covid a few times…the longer term covid fatigue is real and tiring.
I don’t share beauty products. I’ve had Covid twice and I’m not sure if I threw a meat my toothbrush head. I change it regularly.