Kate Middleton Is Obsessed With This Modern Wellness Practice

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Kate Middleton Is Obsessed With This Modern Wellness Practice

Royal surprise of the day: Catherine Middleton doesn’t shy away from wellness trends.

While much of The Princess’ beauty and fitness routine is kept under lock, she recently let slip that she’s a fan of none other than cold water swimming. 

Alongside Princess Anne and her husband Prince William, she appeared on an episode of The Good, The Bad & The Rugby podcast to promote the kick off the Rugby World Cup. 

Sharing her enthusiasm for remaining active, The Princess revealed her passion for cold water swimming.

“I love cold swimming,” she shared.

“The colder, the better. I absolutely love it. Slightly to the point where William’s like, ‘Catherine, you’re crazy.’ And it’s dark, and it’s raining.”

While you won’t catch us swimming at night in the cold, rainy English weather, there is merit to the cold water madness.

What is cold water swimming? 

Part of the broader practice of cold water therapy, cold water swimming (much like cold plunging) involves the immersion in cold water for health-related benefits. The technique has gained popularity not just among athletes, but among the general public for its potential wellness benefits. 

What are the benefits of cold water swimming?

While Catherine didn’t reveal the temperature she exercises in, cold water swimming typically takes place in ice cold bodies of water. As cold as one can possibly tolerate. 

The exposure to cold is believed to relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation, and help in muscle recovery post-exercise.

The combination of low-impact exercises with potential muscle relieving, stress-soothing benefits makes the practice increasingly popular in the wellness world.

While we’ll stick to bearable, warm-leaning temperatures, cold water immersion can be a refreshing and invigorating experience offering health and wellness benefits. And here’s our major takeaway: Kate Middleton is one brave woman. We’re shivering just thinking about it.

Main image credit: Getty

Would you try cold water swimming? 

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Comments 46

  1. Yes, the temperature of the water is irrelevant to me if I want to go for a swim. I don’t think it benefits my health in any way. I just want to get dry and dressed quickly afterwards.

  2. Good on her but personally I don’t like it, I wish I did then I could dip in the ocean which I live nearby. I see this old guy been doing it for years, summer and winter. I struggle to get in the water in summer because I live in the south where the water is still cold in summer.