The Simple And Healthy Tweaks Jackie O Has Made To Her Diet

The Simple And Healthy  Tweaks Jackie O Has Made To Her Diet

If you’ve been keeping up with radio host Jackie O, you would’ve seen the impressive health kick she’s been on. What began as a lifestyle reset after openly discussing a pandemic-induced weight gain, Jackie was determined to get back into shape by leading a healthier lifestyle and setting a better example for her daughter.

“I’m not looking to be Instagram skinny,” she told Daily Mail. “There are more important things than being a size six.”


And now, 18kgs and a Weight Watchers ambassadorship later, Jackie is looking and feeling better than ever.

In fact, her weight loss journey even caught the attention of online scammers who were using her image to promote diet pills.


What does Jackie’s day of eating typically look like?

These days the bulk of Jackie’s diet is no longer made up of takeaway meals, but instead nutrient-dense home-cooked dinners (accompanied by the occasional glass of wine and chocolate, of course).

Jackie’s lunch will often be made up of Vietnamese rice paper rolls which contain both protein and a high vegetable content. As a protein-rich snack, Jackie keeps pre-cooked slices of steak handy and will reach for a smoothie or Starbucks Frappuccino when she’s on the go.

Dinner includes vegetables and a protein whether it be chicken or steak.

Main image credit:@jackieo_official

What is your favourite breakfast and lunch when you’re at work or on the go?

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Comments 109

  1. I always have overnight oats which also has chia seeds in it for breakfast. And lunch is always different but I do love sushi, a gourmet sandwich or even a Banh Mi. Those are my go-tos.

  2. WEll I dont look anywhere near as great as she does but I have also lost a good deal of weight. 20kg infact and I do feel much happier but would like to drop some more. Its taken me 2 years so far but I will keep chipping away at it.