Green stuff is good for us. This we know. From spinach and broccoli to asparagus and kale, green foods are a must for maintaining a healthy mind and body.
But do you know why chlorophyll – the King of Green – is so wonderfully good for you? Do you even know what it is? You should, because its talents (and their amazing effects on the body) are nothing short of fantastic.
What is chlorophyll?
Essentially, chlorophyll is what gives green plants their colour. This naturally occurring molecule is also what allows photosynthesis to happen (the amazing process in which plants convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into energy, which in turn enables metabolic functions, respiration and growth). Without this process, the plants (and the animal and humans that consume them) would not survive.
What effect does chlorophyll have on humans?
Because chlorophyll has a very similar chemical composition to haemoglobin (a molecule found in your red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body), it increases oxygen transportation within the body when consumed. This allows your cells to receive more nutrients, promoting a healthy body.
Are there any other health benefits of chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is basically a do-it-all wonder. Not only does it boost the oxygen levels in your red blood cells, which energises the body and lowers blood pressure, but it also detoxes and cleanses your blood. It’s super-rich in enzymes, too, which promotes cell rejuvenation, and it helps to extract nasty toxins from your liver, essentially improving liver function. It also has an alkalising and anti-inflammatory effect on your body, which leaves you better equipped to fight infections, wounds and other skin disorders. Those trying to reduce the signs of ageing will be delighted to hear its antioxidant properties help neutralise free radicals, and it also has the ability to block your body from metabolising carcinogen chemicals, helping to protect against cancer. Oh, and it acts as a deodoriser as well, which means fresher breath for you.
What is the best way to consume chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is available in many forms – liquid, tablets and powdered extracts just to name a few – but as always, fresh is best. Any natural occurring green plant you consume will contain some amount of chlorophyll. As a general rule, the darker the green, the more chlorophyll the plant contains. So, make a green smoothie in the morning, have a leafy green salad with your lunch, and add a few extra fresh green herbs to your dinner and you’ll easily bump up your daily chlorophyll intake. Wheatgrass shots will also give you a great hit. Don’t love your green vegies? Purchase a bottle of liquid chlorophyll and mix it with water for a similar effect, or purchase the powder and tablet varieties to ensure you’re getting the suggested 100-200mg dosage each day.
Have you heard of chlorophyll? Did you know it had so many health benefits? Will you be upping your chlorophyll intake from now on?
A suitable name to treat your body like royalty.