While you might love your long hair, you’ll also know the struggle that comes with having it when it just won’t behave. Wind, sticky lip gloss and car doors are a daily hazard – but then you nail the Beyoncé pony to perfection and all your woes go out the window.
From avoiding a trim to clogging the drain (again), here are 19 truths every girl with long hair can totally relate to.
#1 Hair ties are a non-negotiable

And the indent they leave on your wrist is a daily reminder of that.
#2 The agony of dealing with knots and tangles

Only for it to wind up in a matted mess five minutes later.
#3 Sleeping in bed with another person can be risky business

*bf rolls over, pins you down for eternity*
#4 Split ends and dry strands look so much worse

Long hair only works when it’s kept in tip-top condition – and straw-like strands and frayed ends are a dead giveaway that your long hair isn’t getting enough TLC. Beautiful hair starts in the shower, so use a shampoo and conditioner combo like the Pantene Pro-Vitamin Long & Strong Shampoo and Conditioner to help strengthen your hair and prevent breakage and split ends.
The conditioner’s new SMART Pro-Vitamin Formula is so clever that it responds to specific levels of damage along the length of the hair and works accordingly to keep your hair healthy from root to tip. What split ends?
#5 Waiting 9.5 years for your hair to dry

Made about 1000 times worse in winter, thanks to the feeling of wet, cold hair on your back.
#6 Styling is its own workout…

And causes a serious arm ache in the process!
#7 … and can take an entire morning to accomplish

You know better than to make plans before midday.
#8 You’re addicted to your curling wand

You think that long hair should always be styled, and have a reputation for being late thanks to the length of time it takes to perfect your ‘do.
Keeping your long hair long – without sacrificing your daily hit of heat-styling – can be achieved when you use the right products. A heat protectant should always be applied before taking to your tools, and regular use of a damage-repairing shampoo and conditioner is mandatory, too.
#9 Windy weather = a day indoors

Since you’re not going to put yourself through the pain of #5 and #6 just for your ’do to be ruined the instant you step foot out the door.
#10 You need hundreds of bobby pins just to keep your ’do in place

Alas, there is no such thing as a quick, easy hairstyle when your hair can drag along the floor.
#11 Clogging up every drain in the house

And the horror that is extracting it. #gross
#12 Freaking out when your own hair tickles you unexpectedly

WHAT IS THAT? A BUG?! Oh, it’s just a piece of my ridiculously long hair.
#13 Forgetting how long your hair actually is, so constantly getting it shut in things

Car doors are a dangerous hurdle.
#14 Finding traces of it EVERYWHERE

On your pillow, on the couch, on your clothes, on your boyfriend’s clothes and even in your food. It’s a miracle you have any left on your head!
#15 A tiny trim can cause the biggest of panic attacks

Fun fact: 85% of women dream of having longer, stronger hair*, so the last thing on your mind is going shorter.
When you’ve worked so hard to get it to this length, you’re not about to let someone take that away from you. The good news: Now you can skip the trim because the Pantene Pro-Vitamin Long & Strong Shampoo and Conditioner is ideal for those wanting to grow their hair (aka, Y-O-U).
#16 Perfecting the Beyoncé pony is a cause for celebration

#17 Lip gloss is a privilege you will never know

Unless, of course, you really love the feeling of hair in your mouth.
#18 Your hair takes the focus of any outfit

No one compliments you on your new top, because they can’t actually see it. Hey, at least you can repeat an outfit…
#19 Complaining about #LongHairProblems

… but still loving your long hair #longlivelonglocks

Can you relate to any of these long hair truths? Would you like to try the Pantene Pro-Vitamin Long & Strong Shampoo and Conditioner?
Oh yes, one does have her challenges with long hair but I loved mine when it was long. It did take hours to dry but that was my biggest challenge, everything else was not really a problem
I’m mid-length at the moment but prefer shorter hair because it’s so much easier to take care of.