Hours in the day being as precious as they are, how we choose to spend our beauty time is fascinating stuff. Are you a DIY girl who converts the bathroom into a hair salon? Or more of a make-up shopper extraordinaire who scours department stores every chance she gets trialling every new-season product on offer? Then again, perhaps you’re a nail bar devotee, equally hooked on the massage chair as you are a quick buff and polish?
As I’ve confessed before, I heart a professional blow-dry more than life itself. But finding a spare hour for the appointment is becoming more and more difficult. Which is why I’ve made friends with my straightener.
But right now the most pressing time commitment hanging over my head (beauty-wise at least, daily publishing deadlines are another story) is setting aside the 3.5 hours to have my colour done at the salon. Yes, I know if anyone should be able to find an afternoon for this venture it’s yours truly: a professional, bone-fide beauty addict. Trust me, the thought of hanging out with some of my favourite people while pouring over the latest international editions of Vogue and Elle as I slowly, slowly process from dark to creamy blonde (it really does take longer than it sounds) is hardly a chore.
It’s simply that there are not enough hours in the day sometimes. And so something has to give, hence my rock-and-roll roots right now. Anyway, we all do it and we shouldn’t. So may I suggest you spend five minutes today finding a way to squeeze in whatever beauty appointment, shopping trip or DIY session you’ve been putting off?
I’ll pick up the phone to (finally) call the salon too and trust me, we’ll all be more beautiful for it.
BTW, speaking of time, if you have a spare window through the day (or night, we are with you around the clock after all), why not drop by the beautyheaven forums? They’re running faster than ever and they’re jam-packed with lively discussions on all things beauty.
When you’re pressed for time what beauty ritual do you let slide?