It’s Officially Here! Meet The Dyson Airstrait

beyonce looking into the camera

Not to be too dramatic or anything, but there are two things we can tell you for certain. 1: we’re all damaging our tresses with the seriously strand-scorching heat we use to dry it with. And 2: Dyson is a major key to our mane’s survival. Well, PSA: they’re making major moves yet again. Let us introduce you to the Dyson Airstrait.

You might be wondering if you’ve seen similar technologies before (*ahem* ghd Duet Style), but Dyson assures us that it’s all new technology. And as the market leader in all things brand new technology (anyone remember the first cordless straightener?), we’re ready to put our faith (and tresses) into the capable, if not rather expensive (look for sales, people) hands of Dyson.

About The Dyson Airstrait

This brand new tool is here to transform the world of wet to dry styling. Harnessing the power of air, (with no heat plates scorching your strands) the latest launch continues the signature Dyson ethos of caring for your hair while you dry and style.

How Does The Dyson Airstrait Work?

Dyson airstait

So, you’re looking at this schmick new tool thinking, gosh this looks just like the straightener I already have. But trust us when we say, this game-changing gadget is here to put your straightener to shame.

James Dyson (yep, that’s where it comes from), Founder and Chief Engineer, has pioneered this styler for its ultimate fast drying capabilities without doing any damage to your strands. Oh and did we mention, it has no hot plates.

Utilising the power of airflow, this styler features two small (1.5mm) apertures that create high-power airflow moving down the strand (at a 45° angle to be precise). This precise downward jet of air is what not only dries your strands but also works to straighten them. And as it dries with ultimate control, your tresses benefit from a seriously smooth and shiny finish.

With two styling modes (wet and dry), the low-heat (only the best for your tresses) styler ranges from 80 degrees up to 140 degrees with the strand-sealing cool-shot technology to lock it all into place. And of course, the technology-packed tool comes with intelligent heat control to monitor the temperature of your hair as your style.

How Much Does The Dyson Airstrait Cost?

The just-launched tool is currently a Dyson site exclusive buy. But knowing Dyson, they’ll soon be launched into their preferred retailers (such as Myer and Sephora). If you can’t wait to get your hands on the exciting new tool you can snap it up for $749 at Dyson. But be quick, because there’s limited stock for the new launch.

Main Image Credit: @beyonce

Do you have any Dyson hair tools? Will you be purchasing the Dyson Airstrait?

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Comments 26

  1. The best hairdo I ever gave myself was using cool air only… but what a drag, I felt my arms were going to fall off, and was pretty bummed I didn’t have sun’s out biceps afterwards, BUT, what SHINE!! And the hairdo seemed to last longer than other blow outs. Dyson hair products are sadly a long way down my priority spend ($700 plus!?!) C’mon James #cozzielivs

  2. I love my Dyson Supersonic hair dryer, I wouldn’t use anything else. But I can justify the money on something I use constantly, whereas the straightener is a little more difficult to justify at that price.