Should you get a fringe cut or grow it out? Is there a way to make your hair grow faster? What’s the secret to a stylish updo? Which are the biggest hair trends right now? I could go on. And on. And on. When it comes to changing our hair, these and many more questions circle our heads on a loop until all too often we end up back at the same place: sticking with what we’ve got.
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But this week at beautyheaven, we got a good dose of hair inspiration that could be just what you need to set you off on the road to a new ‘do. In case you missed it, we held a live forum chat with newly-crowned Australian Hairdresser of the Year Joey Scandizzo on Tuesday night. He was on hand to answer questions from bh members about anything and everything hair. And he did an amazing job; as well as being lightning quick off the mark with his responses, he also gave us all a little bit of inspiration when it comes to revitalising tired-looking tresses.
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Whether you’re tempted to go for the chop but are lacking the courage, or you’re desperate for some new ideas – you can relive all the conversations right here, or take a look below for some of key hair conundrums Joey addressed in the forum.
Seven hair questions you’ll want to know the answers to:
Q: What’s the best way to grow out a fringe?
Try braiding it to the side or get your stylist to soften it up for you as it grows out. If it is blunt thick and heavy it’s hard to manage.
Q: What’s the best thing to help grow your hair and make it appear longer?
Regular trims help reduce hair breakage and therefore your hair will get longer quicker. A lot of people suggest drinking Silica. Give that a crack.
Q: What are the latest trends for long hair?
Long hair is OUT it is time to be brave and go shorter. If that freaks you out try and mid-length long bob around your collarbones!
Q: Is the Ombré look still in? Are there new balayage trends we need to know about?
Yes, it’s still in. Pastel balayage is a trend we are seeing more of. Have a play with colours and tones and chat to your stylist about what would suit your skin tone.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for a formal updo for shorter hair?
Go for a classic finger wave – very old Hollywood!
Q: Can your diet really affect your hair?
Yes, 100 per cent. You are what you eat so a good diet will create healthier hair.
Q: Which celebrity has the best hair?
Ruby Rose is always up for something cool and different and is always ahead of trends. A lot of people are asking for Lara Bingle’s hair as well at the moment!
Do you suffer from hair-change phobia? What’s the best piece of hair advice anyone ever gave you?