Despite the fact that stress can affect the way our favourite perfume smells on us – turning it from heavenly to horrible, there are certain scents that can actually help reduce stress.
According to The Smell Report, by Kate Fox – Director of the Social Issues Research Centre, UK, medical experiments have revealed that the scent of vanilla can reduce stress and anxiety. The report states: “Cancer patients undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging – a diagnostic procedure known to be stressful – reported a massive 63 per cent less anxiety when heliotropin (a vanilla fragrance) was administered during the procedure.”
Fragrance affects the part of your brain where emotional memories are stored and taste is analysed, which is why fragrance can elicit certain memories or release stored feelings. This part of the brain also links to the heart rate and blood pressure, which are associated with anger, anxiety and stress.
For centuries scented oils have been used to affect an emotional state for example, relaxing, uplifting, calming. While researchers explore what it is about these fragrances that change our emotions, there is no clear explanation. Could it be a connection to a past memory or does the perfume actually change something physiologically in our brain? It has been suggested that specific chemicals in sandalwood and frankincense can increase the brain’s oxygen levels by 20 per cent. This change could positively impact on the immune system, resulting in a greater sense of balance and more steady energy levels.
Even without knowing the exact reason why some scents reduce stress, we can still make use of the perfume notes that we know have a positive effect on us.
Love lavender? A well-known stress reliever, the scent of lavender can bring about relaxation and a sense of wellness. See, so it’s not just for Nanny!
Rose has been used in the treatment of depression and is associated with love and romance due to its calming properties.
As previously mentioned, sandalwood and frankincense are known to soothe and elicit a sense of tranquility.
Tangerine and mandarin are summery scents that uplift and increase happiness.
So next time you feel anxious or stressed try sniffing a vanilla pod or treat yourself to a bunch of roses!
How does your perfume make you feel?
I wear a few different ones, depending on the outfit. Today sporty, so it is sour/sweet…refreshing and uplifting one