We thought we’d heard it all with the fish pedicure and snake-bite-venom anti-ageing cream, but an armpit detox? Who’d have thought?
I stumbled across treehugger.com the other day and happened upon an article on armpit detoxification: yes, apparently such a process exists. But is it something we all ought to be doing? Mmm, you can make your own mind up, I’m not so sure I’ll be sending my ‘pits on a detox program any time soon! Yet I can’t help but be a little curious…
The reason
So what’s the point you might ask? Good question. Well, the person who penned the article decided enough was enough; she was ditching traditional antiperspirant in favour of smelling as Mother Nature intended – a la natural and a little musky when the heat is on and the summer temperatures soar.
The result
The consequence of going cold turkey? “And what I noticed [after a week] was astonishing. I was still sweating some (come on, it was like 90 degrees out!) but it was no longer nearly as bad. I had rid my underarm of the built-up junk that was making whatever I sweat out smell worse,” exclaimed the blogger.
Now it’s just a matter of slowly introducing deodorants back in…

Are you addicted to antiperspirant? Would you consider cleansing your armpits?