15 yrs, 5 mths ago

WOOOHOOO (lol) I so happy!

After about 6 job interviews and seeing the person in front of me confirmed for the job twice (they literally ran out of the interview and were telling those waiting for them I got the job!! While I was sitting waiting for my turn to be interviewed 🙁 )

It is my turn to say it!!!! I GOT THE JOB!!

I am now working 2 days a week 10am-4.30pm at a Cafe at the Mater Hospital. About $200 a week (which is double what I get on Centerlink). With filling in when needed to cover other work mates. There is only about 4 staff on (incl the manager). Officially start October 7th. SO yay 😀 i am so happy right now. has nothing to do with what I just studied in Uni but I don’t care I am earnign my own money again :D.

14 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    thank you Mel, I hope that is true :).
    Thank you becca I hope it is your turn next :), best of luck.
    thanks pink shoes, I shall look into it I hope we can keep it, as Marks Gout tablets will cost a fortune with out it… plus the Dentist costs eeepp (atm He is haveing major issues with his teeth)

    thanks Jatz 🙂
    Sweet, I had eyebrows waxed today, as well as eyelash tint for the first time ever….. not something I will do again unless I have to (I can not sit with eyes closed for 10 mins without cracking up whoever of my friends is with me, as my mate said today..””you look very anxious anytime someone walked behind you, I could see you tense and force yourself to keep eyes closed. You looked super uncomfortable with the whole thing). I am not one to sit and do nothing (esp with eyes closed) during the day,lol. and my mate also gave me a deep tissue massage yesterday (lol it is nice having a friend who is a massage therapist :D)
    I think my treat to myself might just be a trip to the shops where I do not have to fret about what I spend 😀

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    wow u will have to treat yourself to a massage or facial to celebrate -congrats

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    congrats! :]

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Congrats bundy on your job.
    We only live on hubbys wage (2 adults, 2 kids) and because its a lower income we get Health Care Card. And no I don`t get parenting payment or anything like that. So you will probably keep your Health Care Card as it`s income based. You may just get the standard Health Care Card like we get. It doesn`t have any concessions with it. Anyways you could just ask Centrelink.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Congratulations. I`m happy for you too.
    My turn next though! I need regular pay and know how you feel waiting for interviews and knowing it`s pointless.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Well done Bundy, your concession card will last you until it expires, whatever the use-by-date is on the card, you can keep using it until then 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    thanks fifi 😀

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    A huge Congrats BundyBites!! Well done…..I`m sure you`ll love the new job, congrats again!! ♥

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    thank you goddess & chillies. 😀 I Goddess that is one of the reasons why I was applying for things I am now over qualified for, as well as things not quite experienced in but am now qualified for, and even things (like cafe work) that I swore I would not go back to. I hated hospitality and cause it normally invoves night work as well, I didn`t want to go back to it cause I would Never see Mark (as he works all day 6 days a week). But this Cafe job fits perfectly with what I wanted (would love 1 extra garunteed day but 2 is fine plus cover shifts when people are sick).

    I know the HCC goes on what you earn, but if I drop off centerlink payments (no longer have to deal with them) I thought that also cancelled the card as Centrelink have to monitor your pay to see if you qualify. And since I wouldn`t deal with them anymore I figured they would just cut me off. But we shall see.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    hi Bundy, im really happy for you, that`s great.About your centrelink card, i don`t think you will loose it just yet, although i know it depends on how much you earn.

    cheers ♥♥

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