3 mths, 3 wks ago

Skin needling/Micro Needling regulars

Hey, beautyheaveners! Quick question, how many of you are fans of skin-needling treatments at a clinic? How confident would you feel using a device/at-home pen from a reputable brand instead of getting it done by professionals?

11 comments 12 voices


  • 2 mths, 3 wks ago

    I haven’t tried microneedling. Manicare make one and I was tempted a while ago to buy one but didn’t. I just have a rose quartz face roller which is nice and relaxing to use and improves blood circulation and is toning.

  • 2 mths, 3 wks ago

    I’ve just started using a roller at home and I’m loving it – it’s very gentle and easy (no skin breakage – you’re not meant to apply pressure – just roll lightly over the skin) and leaves my skin tingling. I’ve even used it on my lips. I wouldn’t go to a salon.

  • 2 mths, 4 wks ago

    I use a pen with a 12 needle cartridge.
    I simply can’t afford to go to a salon.
    I don’t always feel the need to use a numbing cream, but there are times that I will numb up first.
    If you research online there are a lot of resources about depth, patterns and what slip to use.
    I very much enjoy having control over my skincare whenever I feel it needs to be done, especially now as I moved from Sydney to a tiny country town and access to skincare clinics is greatly diminished.

  • 3 mths ago

    I’ve had it done in salon but I’ve also got my own roller at home but to be honest I haven’t used it for a long time. I shall have to google how to use it properly and give it another go!

  • I’ve been getting micro needling done regularly for over a year. I have it done by a nurse at a clinic, in part because medical professionals are able to apply numbing cream before the treatment. They recently upgraded to a new machine that zaps the skin with a small electrical charge as it goes, which seems to increase effectiveness.

    The micro needling has absolutely transformed my skin. The biggest pores have shrunk but are still visible, while the smaller pores have disappeared. The acne scarring is improving, but more slowly than the pores.

    I don’t think that I’d want to do DIY needling. Partly because I’m not sure if I could handle the pain without numbing, and partly because I’d be too worried about causing permanent scarring.

  • 3 mths, 1 w ago

    Snap! I bought a session for my Birthday I haven’t had it done yet. I was looking at the at home devices for home but want to see how the professionals do it.

  • 3 mths, 2 wks ago


    It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this. Totally get why the price and time commitment of professional treatments can be a hurdle. If there were a reliable at-home option with easy-to-follow instructions, it could be a game-changer for exploring further. Your proactive research on different treatments shows you’re serious about finding the best solution for yourself. That’s awesome.

  • 3 mths, 2 wks ago

    I haven’t actually had it done in clinic, although it’s something I have always been very curious about and have spent time researching but a series is outside my price range at the moment and it seems 4-6 treatments spaced a month apart are required to give the best results. At my local clinic it’s $300 per treatment so that adds up quickly! I have even seen some places say it can be a natural replacement for Botox but when you figure in the cost and number of treatments it is double the price of the Botox!

    I would absolutely feel confident giving it a go at home if a device came on the market from a reputable brand with clear instructions. I have done micro rolling in the past which I found helped with stretch marks on my tummy. I love experimenting with treatments and I spend a lot of time researching and reading peer reviewed journals to look at different treatments!

  • 3 mths, 3 wks ago

    I’ve been interested in trying derma rolling for a while, but a pen instead of a roller? Hmm. I don’t know enough about these, but I’m curious.

  • 3 mths, 3 wks ago

    I’ve never been to a professional but have read a bit about it. I prefer DIY beauty treatments and gadgets, they mean no appointments and are usually cheaper.

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