5 yrs, 10 mths ago

Rewards Room May 2019

The Rewards Room is opening for the first time in 2019!

As usual, please direct all your comments, conversations, questions and feedback in relation to the May Rewards Room 2019 in this thread. I’ll also update this thread when we communicate new updates so you never miss a thing.

If you’re unsure what the Rewards Room is or have any questions I have popped some helpful links below.

What is the Rewards Room?
Watch this video where we break it down for you – https://www.beautyheaven.com.au/rewardsroom/what-is-beautorium

Rewards Room FAQ’s:

Rewards Room Delivery Information: https://www.beautyheaven.com.au/rewardsroom/delivery

Rewards Room Shopping Dates: https://www.beautyheaven.com.au/rewardsroom/shopping-dates

beautyheaven Rewards program overview:

Need more help?
Email: rewards@beautyheaven.com.au

Steph x

1,172 comments 32 voices


  • Thanks Petal, Elunia and Meedee for all your helps! I will check that link out Meedee : )

  • Yes!!! I found it! Thanks so much ladies for all of your help – it’s the Daily Concepts brand. xoxoxo

    It’s called ‘Your Stretch Wash Cloth’ by Daily Concepts. Now I need to find where I can buy it in Australia somewhere.

    • 4 yrs ago

      Yay, glad you found the brand and name of the product. The email receipt was a long shot but if you are anything like me, it is more likely that the email would still exist rather than a printed receipt.

      I wouldn`t of been able to help with that one as I don`t remember it 🙂

    • 4 yrs ago

      Seems you can buy them here clearcrystalwater

      Daily Stretch Wash Cloth

    • 4 yrs ago

      clearcrystalwater, it`s great that you have solved your mystery. For anyone that is curious about the product, here it is:

      Daily Stretch Wash Cloth

  • BUMP
    Does anyone remember the brand of the long stretchy back scrubbing strap (for use in the shower) that was in this Rewards Room? I bought one and still have it and love it from this RR but the brand tag on it doesn’t state a brand (just a little icon picture) and so I now want to buy another one (for a prezzie for someone) and cannot remember the brand that it was.

    So if anyone bought one too and can remember the brand could you please post it here. It’s an awesome product and if you bought one I think you’ll remember it/still have it.


    • 4 yrs ago

      clearcrystalwater, I tried doing a quick search for exfoliating products on beautyheaven for you, but I couldn`t find one that fits your description of long and stretchy. La Mav has an exfoliating mitt, but it`s not long.

      If you can`t find the name of your product, I found a few through Google searches that might be similar such as the EcoTools Exfoliating Back Scrubber, the Morihata Binchotan Body Scrub Towel and The Body Shop Exfoliating Body Polisher.

      I`ve noticed that many products from the Rewards Room disappear because the brand ended up leaving beautyheaven. It`s possible that the product you`re looking for is no longer listed.

      • Thankyou Petal. I will check to see if it was one of those brands and yeh I think it may have been unlisted cause I tried to search for it on bh a bit too. I`ve been trying also to search it on google. It`s such a great back scrubber that I am going to keep on searching! Thanks so much.

    • 4 yrs ago

      Hi Clearcrystalwater,

      Do you still have your order receipt email? It does not tell you the brand but it tells you the exact name of the product which may help with a google search…

      • That`s a thought Elunia thankyou. I did chuck all my receipts out now though. Appreciate your suggestion very much.

    • 4 yrs ago

      clearcrystalwater Did you add it to your wish list first? If you did and then didnt remove it perhaps its still listed on your wishlist.

  • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

    This year I think I have missed most of the rewards room shopping opportunities. It’s because I was overseas for two and a half years and couldn’t participate. Oh well next time.

  • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I wonder when the next Rewards Room will be? Do you usually get certain types of products in one order? My first one I got all shampoo and conditioners. The next one was cleaners and a hair gel.

    • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

      The last rewards room I participated in I waited until all categories were open and got a bunch of stuff from around the board. A few things on my wish list had already been sold out but still got items that I wanted to try out which was good. Can’t wait for the next one, hopefully it comes soon. I’m suspecting November?

  • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Will there be another rewards room this year you think or next year? I missed out this year 🙁

    • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

      There will be another one this year just before Chrissy I would imagine =)

    • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

      I`d expect so Jayne. We`re definitely due for another one.

      • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

        I do hope so. Not that I have that many points I`d just like to check it out ! I seen there was 1 Novemeber last year so fingers crossed

      • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

        Go through your cupboards & get reviewing now. By the time the next RR is announced, you`ll have more points to spend!

      • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

        Oh yes good idea!

      • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

        Fantastic idea, I’ve been meaning to catch up on my reviews. Always running out of time.

  • 5 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Iv been on beautyheaven for about 5 years and always miss the rewards room opening …
    Have managed to make ONE over a year ago .. really looking forward to this one though

  • 5 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I’m so excited to hopefully be apart of the next Rewards Room I’m not sure how its works it reading through the forums of all your lovely ladies posts has helped quiet a bit ! I love how informative and helpful everyone is x

    • 5 yrs, 6 mths ago

      you`ll love it Jayne. It was my first time ever in there and I was like a kid in a candy shop.

  • 5 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I went to review the Burt’s Bees 100% Natural Facial Cleansing Oil which I received from the last Rewards Room. The product appears in the search results, but the link doesn’t work when I click on it:


    When I searched through the brand’s three pages of product listings, the cleanser isn’t visible, so I assume that it has been removed. Has anyone else managed to find and review this product recently?

    • 5 yrs, 6 mths ago

      That`s so weird, Petal! I can see it in the search box results, but the link goes nowhere! It must have been deleted only recently. I hate when you juuuust miss out on reviewing something!

  • 5 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Honestly cannot wait until the next Beautorium even though everyone is still getting through their products from the last one at the moment haha, heres to hoping it comes earlier than November- although I know it probably won’t.

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