13 yrs, 2 mths ago

Probiotics for travel

I’m travelling to Thailand in about a month. Last time I was there I got food poisoning and wasted 2 days feeling unwell. Had to cancel a much anticipated snorkelling trip too 🙁 Boooo. I am not keen to repeat that!

So anyway, I have read that if you take probiotics this can reduce your chances of getting sick overseas. I am keen to try this out. Can anyone recommend a brand of probiotics that do not need refrigeration?

Any other tips to help me stay well during my trip? Thank you!

13 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Thanks for all the replies! On the weekend I asked at my local health food store about which probiotic I should take. I was recommended Pretorius Pro Biotic Forte:

    I was told to start taking it 3 days before my trip and then keep taking it while I was away. But I might actually start it earlier than that. I should probably take a probiotic daily anyway because my digestive system has never been particularly good!

  • 13 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I take Faulding’s probiotics when travelling as they don’t require refrigeration. Also taking vitamin C before you travel helps prevent colds. Wet wipes are a lifesaver too!

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Good idea about starting them early. I’ll get some ASAP.

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Bioglan also make a high strength one that doesn’t require refrigeration. Prob best to start taking the probiotics well before you go away in order to have your gut and immune system in good shape;-)

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    You can get Gastro Health from the chemist. It’s supposed to be a high strength probiotic that doesn’t need to be refridgerated. Have a great trip.

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Kaolin does sound delicious! Haha. I will ask the pharmacist about it.

    Princess Fiona – I think I will do the same as you and just avoid fruit altogether. Thanks.

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Colloidal silver

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Thanks Princess Fiona! I was so careful with drinking from bottled water only last time. I will remember to avoid salad. I though fruit was ok if peeled?

    Pinglet – thanks so much for your list. What does the Kaolin mixture do? I plan to to ask the pharmacy for Immodium (or similar) and some Gastrolyte for sure.

    Now I am an absolute fruit pig, and its the one thing that Id hate to live without – but when I travel to countries where you dont drink from the tap, then I dont eat ANY fruit either…..because there is a very big chance that this has been watered by the very same water, or some thats even worse! If the fruit has taken up the bacteria in the water, it will be in the whole fruit, and not just in the peel.

    Some may say that Im over the top careful, but I have an extremely sensitive tummy, and is till living with the after effects of a food poisoning that I got 10 years ago, so I simply have to take extra care.

    Have a great trip!

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Thanks Princess Fiona! I was so careful with drinking from bottled water only last time. I will remember to avoid salad. I though fruit was ok if peeled?

    Pinglet – thanks so much for your list. What does the Kaolin mixture do? I plan to to ask the pharmacy for Immodium (or similar) and some Gastrolyte for sure.

    This is from netdocter.co.uk:

    ‘Kaolin is an absorbant medicine used to treat diarrhoea.

    It is not absorbed into the bloodstream from the gut, but instead binds to and traps bacteria and bacterial toxins in the gut. Bacteria are often the cause of diarrhoea, so kaolin works by removing them from the gut.

    Kaolin also binds to water in the gut, which helps to make the stools firmer.’

    Mmmmm, yummy… 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    We were in Bangkok for 5 days and before we went I got a product from the chemist that I started taking 5 days before we went. I had absolutely NO problem and I can have a very touchy tummy. Sorry I can’t remember the name. We were eating at the 5 star hotel where we stayed and they supplied as many bottles of water as we wanted.
    The product I got didn’t need refrigeration and was designed for travel. Have a lovely time.

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