16 yrs, 11 mths ago

Name and SHAME

I was thinking the other day about how on BH often praise and recommend products but dont really single out products that didnt work or that are a rip-off.

For example,

Ginvera Pimple gel, Firstly the gel didn’t work for me. And it is one of the more expensive pimple gels but you do not recieve much product in the tube (i held it to the light when it felt light). When i returned the product the pharmacy assistant saw that all the tubes were quite empty.
So this is on my blacklist. What is on yours?

466 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I am disappointed in the Mirenesse lip liner at the moment. It is seriously the driest lip liner I have ever used and you practically have to scratch it across your lips 🙁

    LOL I hate any liners that are not soft and creamy, the hard ones are dreadful, especially eyeliners. I am loving all the new takes on the UD 24/7 liners, heaps of brands have them and they are not so exy 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I am disappointed in the Mirenesse lip liner at the moment. It is seriously the driest lip liner I have ever used and you practically have to scratch it across your lips 🙁

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I don`t like the chemical-type smell that some brands of skincare have. Like Dove, Garnier and L`Oreal, they all have this same unpleasant smell in common.

    I have to agree, although I don`t mind some L`Oreal products. I used to use those brands all the time when I was a teenager, but since developing sensitve skin I`ve avoided them and opt for natural brands that don`t upset me. If I try products from brands like that now the smell overwhelms me. Nivea is also bad and I avoid their skincare because I find their ingredients irritate my skin and cause bad rashes. Some of their products smell a bit ick too.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I don`t like the chemical-type smell that some brands of skincare have. Like Dove, Garnier and L`Oreal, they all have this same unpleasant smell in common.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Agree with Shazam and Natrissara, lipsmakers and born lippy are more focused on the amazing smell than actually protecting & moisturising my lips!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Same! I also find that Lip Smackers don`t protect my lips at all. They just smell good. A lot of glosses out there have hardly any moisturisation and they dry out my lips so I just stick to moisturising lipsticks and good lip balms.

    thats reeeeealy true!
    i agree. its the same wit the born lippy lip balms from body shop. i wanna eat those they smell so good! and taste. haha.
    but they help keep my lips protected but nothing like my faves.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Same! I also find that Lip Smackers don`t protect my lips at all. They just smell good. A lot of glosses out there have hardly any moisturisation and they dry out my lips so I just stick to moisturising lipsticks and good lip balms.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I really hate buying a product and having to throw it out. Wish we could get refunds for not liking a product!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Although Lip Smackers taste nice, I find that I have to reapply them so much more than any other lip balm.

    I hated Nivea`s Facial Moisturising Fluid. It made my skin so oily it was ridiculous. I ended up having to throw it away.

    Lariese Organic Lip Balm in fruity Mandarin – smells weird, tastes even worse and feels really uncomfortable! It was that unbearable that I chucked this in the bin too, and it`s pretty hard for me to complain about a lip balm. For a natural/organic company they also use Palm Oil. Buying this taught me to read the label before I buy anything, even if it`s as basic as a lip balm, and try it on my hand first! Biggest waste of $6.50 ever.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Sounds like Clearasil is liquid poison for young skin, pretty scary stuff 🙁

    Yeah it`s targeted towards the young ones. I used to use that brand and regret regret! Horrible stuff.

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