1 mth, 4 wks ago

L’Oreal Colorsonic Hair Color Device

Hi beauties, just curious if anyone got their hands on this ? Looks good for people who colour their hair at home

2 comments 2 voices


  • 1 mth, 3 wks ago

    I’ve seen an ad on Instagram.

  • 1 mth, 4 wks ago

    I just Googled it & was taken to a foreign L’Oréal website – it’s not listed on their Aussie site. Perhaps it’s coming to Oz soon?

    Where did you see or hear about this, @RalucaP?

    As far as I can tell from watching the video on the foreign website, it doesn’t part the hair, as it claims, so you’d still have to do that yourself. & that oscillating brush head gives me the horrors – surely that would tease your hair at the roots? How would it apply colour for a roots-only touch-up?

    The Colorsonic saves you from mixing the components, as it mixes the developer & colour in a 1:1 ratio as you brush it through your hair. I mix them in either the bottle of developer or a tinting bowl – it’s not difficult. For years I’ve been doing roots-only applications by measuring half of the developer & half the colour cream. I mix & use those & store the unused, UNMIXED halves for my next touch-up.

    I can’t see the Colorsonic as being enough of a time saver to bother.

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