12 yrs, 7 mths ago

JoBaz Hair Colour Remover – new to priceline

I just bought this and the lady at the counter told me it only came in a few weeks ago.

I just used it on my hair and I’ve got rid of about 10 lot’s of hair dye in one go and I’m left with a very close match to my natural hair colour.

I’m amazed so wanted to rave about it.

Yes I’ve used the solfine brand and that one contains peroxide and dried the hell out of my hair.

This one has no peroxides. My hair is soft and shiny and most of the colour is gone.

20 comments 32 voices


  • 9 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Reviving this thread in hopes others have used this more recently what did you think? I am in the process of removing years of black hair dye and this product looks interesting, anyone?

  • 10 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Hi Kylie,

    If you read the box on the colour remover I’m sure it says you can colour your hair after using, just read everything on and in the box, it should answer all your questions.

  • Bronze
    10 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Hi I hv really dark brown hair from being dyed over and over again…my main hair color is predominantly grey so I didnt want to rest it for approx a month….has anyone put a permanent color in their hair straight after removing their color???

  • 11 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Ok so after years of dying and colour build I decided to go for a lighter shade. To do so I need to remove as much colour as possible. I have thick, almost black hair and a lot of it! I bought a box, read the instructions a few times. I had an upper hand as I had been using a clarifying shampoo for a few weeks now. Drenched my clean, dry hair in an evenly manner. Followed the instructions to a T! My hair is soooo dry! Needed to use a treatment afterwards due to the straw-like texture remaining! My hair is never dry like this? Only when it has been bleached blonde which it hasn’t been in almost 8 years. The manual says it won’t dry out the hair… Anyway my roots are much lighter than the rest of my hair as expected. Will need another go or two. For now I will need to put up with a few inches of ‘regrowth’ looking hair. $30rrp is pretty hefty… Thanks Jobaz Max strength…

    I highly recommend rinsing for way, waaaaaaay longer than the recommended time, if you have a lot of colour build up like I did the colour molecules will re-expand over a short time and you’ll be back to black, I used 3 over the space of a few days and got good results but within a month it looked like I had done nothing to my hair, it was back to really dark brown.

  • 11 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Ok so after years of dying and colour build I decided to go for a lighter shade. To do so I need to remove as much colour as possible. I have thick, almost black hair and a lot of it! I bought a box, read the instructions a few times. I had an upper hand as I had been using a clarifying shampoo for a few weeks now. Drenched my clean, dry hair in an evenly manner. Followed the instructions to a T! My hair is soooo dry! Needed to use a treatment afterwards due to the straw-like texture remaining! My hair is never dry like this? Only when it has been bleached blonde which it hasn’t been in almost 8 years. The manual says it won’t dry out the hair… Anyway my roots are much lighter than the rest of my hair as expected. Will need another go or two. For now I will need to put up with a few inches of ‘regrowth’ looking hair. $30rrp is pretty hefty… Thanks Jobaz Max strength…

  • 11 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I went to look for it today at Chemist Warehouse but they didn’t have it. Will go to Priceline tomorrow. It will be interesting though because I think my hair is pretty much all white now.

  • 11 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I’m glad a few ladies had a good experience with this product. I haven’t tried the max, only the normal as priceline never used to stock the max. I’ll keep the max in mind for future if I ever need it. I’ve been pretty good with my hair lately and not putting anything daring in.

  • Bronze
    11 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I have been looking at this product over and over since I first saw it, I had beautiful dyed red hair and stupidly thought dying it black was a genius idea!
    I might have to try it I’m desperate for my red hair back.
    I am cautious though, I have incredibly long hair and worry about the damage it would do to my ends.

  • 11 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Blackmagic, thank you for posting this! I have had the same hair colour for years – a very dark brown – because it is closest to my natural colour and I just wanted to cover a bit of grey. But lately I have really been wanting to try some more adventurous colours in my hair. The hairdresser keeps putting me off because of the build up of dark dye, so this just might be the thing to help me get started!

    Great to hear about everyone elses experience with the product too, and I will certainly be taking all into account. Cheers! xx

  • 11 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I have used this product 3 times in maybe 2 years. The first time i used it, I was amazed by the results, I went from having jet black hair over numerous layers of colour, down to patchy blonde and brown (patchy as a bleach patches of my hair quite often), it was enough to dye my hair a nice red.

    The second time I used this product it did next to nothing!

    I thought I would give it one more try today. I had Black hair dye over brown hair dye over bleached blonde. It took out the black but left me with the brown which was supposed to be semi permanent.

    I used max strength every time.
    Will not waste another $30 on this product again!

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