How to draw out pimples
Hello, I have a few blind pimples and I want to know how to draw them out asap! Do you know of any ways to do so? Thanks Ellie xo
7 yrs, 8 mths ago
I recently successfully cleared my skin of all my blind pimples within a week so I can suggest what ultimately helped me. You need a double pronged attack of AHA/BHA actives.
A blind pimple is a clog covered by a layer of skin that has grown and sealed over it. This is why a blind pimple is also commonly called a closed comodone (CC), which literally means a covered-up clog. Blind pimples are not the same as your average pimples for this reason. I have used a lot of what has been suggested in this thread in the past to treat a pimple but they will not work effectively on a blind pimple. For example, the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion will only dry the clog cap. What I am suggesting will minimise scarring and PIH.
You need to understand AHA/BHA: AHAs will dissolve the top layer of the skin to reveal the fresher layer of skin beneath, smoothing the skin surface. BHAs will then suck out and dissolve the oil, sebum and gunk out of the pores.
Importantly, AHAs come first as BHAs can’t clear a clog until the skin cap is dissolved by the AHA first in order to draw out the clog contents. This is also why you need the combined two.
First, you need to remove the ‘cap’ on the blind pimple. I used glycolic acid (a type of AHA) and only needed to use it once. Cleanse, tone and then apply the glycolic acid and leave on overnight for the most intense treatment. I used Alpha-H’s Liquid Gold.
Second, cleanse, tone and then apply BHA every second night at first, to every night once your skin has adjusted, to clean the clog. Try to use gentle/natural BHA. I used COSRX One Step Pimple Clear Pad, which are a gentler version of the red Stridex pads, which are also an alternative and stronger BHA.
Hydrate and moisturise to sustain your moisture barrier.
Very important: as a result of use of AHA/BHA, diligently apply sunscreen every day as the treatments will render your skin extra sensitive to sun damage.
This thread has suggestions for other AHA/BHA products:
7 yrs, 8 mths ago
Try the Mario badescu drying treatment it tends to help draw out pimples and heal them faster. Just be aware it smells and takes a while to get used to it
7 yrs, 8 mths ago
I absolutely hate blind pimples. I’ve found applying hydrocolloid bandaids (also known as pimple patches) help make the pimple come to a head. I get mine online but the shipping takes a little while. Hydrocolloid bandaids meant for blisters are sold at most chemists and should work (they have to be cut down to size).
First, I gently cleanse my face then apply a warm compress to the pimple. After that’s done, I stick on the hydrocolloid bandaid (about 1cmx1cm) over the spot. I do this after I get home in the evening and keep it on as long as possible (usually until the next morning).
7 yrs, 8 mths ago
Was watching ‘favourites of the month’ video yesterday and a Youtuber raved about these for drawing out blind pimples. Have never tried them yet so I can’t vouch for it but they’re pretty affordable.
7 yrs, 8 mths ago
Hi ellie342,
In terms of blind pimples there are a few things you can do.However, generally treating them from the inside can help reduce inflammation, redness, and soreness a lot more and help them to disapear without drawing them out to a head.
Firstly, making a green tea facial wash can be a great way to reduce redness and inflammation! Using organic loose leaf green tea, infuse 2 tablespoons with 1 cup of boiled (slightly cooled) water for 15-30min covered. Once cold, use with a cotton ball after GENTLE cleansing, and allow to dry on the skin. You can do this morning and night.
Make sure to reduce all triggering foods etc: alot of dairy, alcohol, sugar, processed foods in general. Try and drink 2-3 L of water each day to help with the natural detoxification process.
Topically, you can mix some bentonite clay with a little bit of the green tea infusion and apply a paste to each pimple if needed. This will definately draw it out.
But I would highly suggest looking at the underlying factors with acne as well.Any questions feel free to ask as I am happy to help! 🙂
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