I’ve been wearing them for 30 years but honestly can’t think of any funny stories, maybe something will come to me later? . I remember going on a date once when I was single, so I stuck the solution and holder in my purse because I was pretty sure I would spend the night with the guy, and I did!, (don’t judge – I was young and immature, not really that sort of girl LOL) I know people who don’t wear them think they must be uncomfortable, like having a eyelash stuck in your eye.
I remember when you had to put them in one solution for 10 minutes then swap to the other one overnight, so enough time to take off make-up and sort myself out before crashing into bed in the wee hours of the morning. . I’m using Acuvue Oasys , they last a good 2 weeks. I told the optometrist I was having trouble seeing into the distance and she gave me a eye test and was supposed to change my prescription , then I bought 3 months supply only to find out nothing has changed!. I can still wear them, it’s just annoying not to see the small writing at the bottom of the t.v screen thats all. But won’t go back to Laubman and Pank, another optometrist should sort it out.