13 yrs, 10 mths ago

COMPLETE Nail care’n’growth system with advice. (new example pics added)

HI all,

as ive previously mentioned on the forum, in the nails/hands etc threads, id make a new start to a thread for entering my own routines.

im only still prety new to the BH site but i love it – and until i get more busy ill try to keep posting.

What im going to do is piece by piece put in the theory of good nails care as i know it, and what ive lived, for about 15yrs of very complete care.

This will cover:
* how i know or seen nails to behave
* the idea of a daily care system
* longer term goals and ongoing dedicatio

And 3 key areas that make a COMPLETE system:
* the product types that help boost growth and also strength (items external)
* the products / foods / supplements and vitamins that help the body work on nails (and hairs/skin) (items internal)
* the way to look after nails and have a good mental outlook and adaptation to how you move/act so that u protect them

thats the overview i guess.
i think im signing mysefl up for a lot of writing.. but i do wanna help.
iM no official expert – just a very passionate lady who has spent half her life growing extreme long nails, that barely have even broken, and end up looking mostly like claws.
I dont have actual beauty training and my own techniques are self learned, not always using very fancy products.
So anything is possible!

I havent had nails LESS / shorter than about 1.5 – 2cm grown over the fingertips, for about the last 12 years. usually i keep them at about 2-3cm over the ends, and in the last 3 yrs ive been gradually letting them get more and more, with anything from 3-6cm long growth.

also attaching a pic of a photo froma few yrs back as an idea of that, was trying to find something with the ‘shortest’ growth i can findm so as not to freak ppl out LOL.

looking fwd to making a fun and excting new nails thread!

122 comments 32 voices


  • 12 yrs, 6 mths ago

    ok wow i def need ot update in here and put in some more info and pics to demo what resluts u can expect from sticking to the type of care system that i developed and keep .

    I hope everyones nails are being looked after well thru the winter mths!

  • 12 yrs, 8 mths ago

    This thread hasnt been worked on in mths..

    and tho the 1st 1-3 pages are very much al lthe main info of the nails care system i use, and doesnt need a big change coz its all reliable..

    i will update some info here soon. ive been kinda BH absent for a while. those knowing me on FB will see i often help out about nail care 1 on 1 a lot.


  • 13 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Good recommendations as always Nat 🙂 My budget is going to be way too tight until after Christmas now to order any new supplements, but not much is improving with my nails, despite all the extra attention I am giving them, so it looks like I am going to need to get the Bio Tin and Silica and hope they make a bit of difference 🙂

    Mel i want to make u a special case or crusade to rty n help u or fix what makes ur nails be so thin or flaky. I dont see what should stop u having improvingwith them, given that u make a good effort. We should chat sometime and i will try to piece it all together.

    I was away from Bh for a lil while, so busy.. but i will review the msgs from ppl here and update this thread againsoon.

  • 13 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Good recommendations as always Nat 🙂 My budget is going to be way too tight until after Christmas now to order any new supplements, but not much is improving with my nails, despite all the extra attention I am giving them, so it looks like I am going to need to get the Bio Tin and Silica and hope they make a bit of difference 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Sorry for double posting

    After a few days of not using any of my nail strengtheners just a hand and nail cream, a nourishing oil and biotin pill my nails appear worse then they have in a long time!.
    I use the cream and nourishing oil a minimum of 4 times a day, and i apply heaps at night to try and keep my nails hydrated.
    I have no idea whats happen they are peeling they are breaking they just bend way beyond what they should bend (I can bend my nail back onto its self, discovered it when it got stuck on something and it just bent)

    I have no idea what I should do about this. Any help from anyone would be MUCHLY!!!!! appreciated.

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Thanks Nat. I think I should be good, I’ve asked I think all of my questions anyway :).

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I like this thread and I should take the time to read up on your tips Nat. My nails only grow about a cm over the edge then peel off the top and sides or they just snap off totally. I must admit I don’t take really good care of them but I don’t paint them nice colours. My diet isn’t very good either so I must not be getting enough nutrients. Anyways…will be a good read tonight hopefully 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Hey again

    well hmm being in water itself can be hard on them. ppl always say keep ur nials moist/nourished – hydtrate them
    that doesnt mean sittiing in watyer makes it good. czo after they come out and dry out ,the water content will strip away. thats why all the good cream.
    and so ys, salty water prob makes it worse, never tried to llearn this exact example b4 but my science background says to be it prob doesnt help. the Cl- ions will pull water out from ur body maybe., for osmotic balance.

    if ur money is tight, i suggest going for a biotin pill, and the silicea . more than a multi vita thtis hlpful but, ucan focus to the core things that boost nails.
    for a cream, u dont need fancy ones. i love revlon , complete care, vaseline intensive care.

    if u have more Qs just ask, i can even email or chat about it if u wanted or it helps (to ask more and not go overboeard onthe site or u want privacy over any part of it. ) i can give u my chat id.


  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Hi Natrissara I love all the information you have give!
    I have tried growing nails for 3 years now. The last thing I managed to do for about 10-11 months was Revitanail. I had received nail strengthener hand and nail cream and nourishing oil. I applied the hand and nail cream 2 times a day and used the nail strengthener and nourishing oil as directed. After trying for that length of time I noticed no difference.
    I have now started using Sally Hansen Diamond strength harden (silver bottle) along side with Grow Nails now (orange bottle). I am into my second month of this with no improvement. I am still using the hand and nail cream from Revitanail.

    Do you have any suggestions on different products that I could use that may make a difference. I have tried numerous products for at least 6 months but just saw no improvement with any. My nails where still weak and broke at any opportunity they could. I started using the Sally Hansen products at the same time as my friend who suffers the same problem as me and with in the first month her nails looked so good. They were just over the edge of her finger and were very strong.

    Tina – glad u read all this. its a lot to take in
    Now that u have exaplined more of ur nails histoyry its easier for me to offer more advice.
    So clearly u havent been just ‘hoping’ the naisl 2b better. u ahve tried a lot with products. what i suggest is – u tweak that into some other items, but also – are ur nails usually thin anyway? u may be in the more samller category of ppl whose nails actually do worse from some strrengthener compounds coz of being susecptible to the chemicals. if that is the cae, using the sally hansen things wont be much good. even tho the product is def ok.
    revitanail is same – i LOVE it, and i think its gr8 but it doesnt wok for everyone, it seems. what i think u ened to focus on, is just the 2 basics – CREAM and OILS.
    like a LOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT of them . 2x a day is minimum. slather it all over the hands nnails every time u can 2bhonest. esp at nice b4 bed. cuticle oil, u know how ot best apply it yes? every 2 days is still ok for that.

    where u can make a BIG help – if u read all these pages, is the oral care – ie – what u take to boost ur body inside.
    U need to look into that -if ucan afford it, get a dcent multi vitamin, ive listed brands and places earlier on this thread.
    but minimum would be 3 things –

    if u take 1 thing, that u can do daily and see long ter results, get the Silicea by Hubner and use it. that plus cream and cuticle oil shud make ur nails harder and stronrt within 4wks. and amazing by 3-4mths.

    just keep asking more idas or help if u need it – and the more u explain, the easier i can help 🙂


    I think I do have thin nails compared to my family, everyone has very nice long strong healthy nails just not mine.
    Could another factor be I have been a competitive swimmer just locally for at least 12 years so could all the chlorine effect my nails due to the amount I swim?

    I will definitely look into a multi vitamin but I’m not sure if my budge can afford it at the moment.
    I will keep up with my cream and oil routine and just do it more often then.

    Thanks for all your help you seem to know your stuff well 🙂
    I will keep updated how i go for anyone else who struggles with the strengthening stuff working for them

  • 13 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Hi Natrissara I love all the information you have give!
    I have tried growing nails for 3 years now. The last thing I managed to do for about 10-11 months was Revitanail. I had received nail strengthener hand and nail cream and nourishing oil. I applied the hand and nail cream 2 times a day and used the nail strengthener and nourishing oil as directed. After trying for that length of time I noticed no difference.
    I have now started using Sally Hansen Diamond strength harden (silver bottle) along side with Grow Nails now (orange bottle). I am into my second month of this with no improvement. I am still using the hand and nail cream from Revitanail.

    Do you have any suggestions on different products that I could use that may make a difference. I have tried numerous products for at least 6 months but just saw no improvement with any. My nails where still weak and broke at any opportunity they could. I started using the Sally Hansen products at the same time as my friend who suffers the same problem as me and with in the first month her nails looked so good. They were just over the edge of her finger and were very strong.

    Tina – glad u read all this. its a lot to take in
    Now that u have exaplined more of ur nails histoyry its easier for me to offer more advice.
    So clearly u havent been just ‘hoping’ the naisl 2b better. u ahve tried a lot with products. what i suggest is – u tweak that into some other items, but also – are ur nails usually thin anyway? u may be in the more samller category of ppl whose nails actually do worse from some strrengthener compounds coz of being susecptible to the chemicals. if that is the cae, using the sally hansen things wont be much good. even tho the product is def ok.
    revitanail is same – i LOVE it, and i think its gr8 but it doesnt wok for everyone, it seems. what i think u ened to focus on, is just the 2 basics – CREAM and OILS.
    like a LOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT of them . 2x a day is minimum. slather it all over the hands nnails every time u can 2bhonest. esp at nice b4 bed. cuticle oil, u know how ot best apply it yes? every 2 days is still ok for that.

    where u can make a BIG help – if u read all these pages, is the oral care – ie – what u take to boost ur body inside.
    U need to look into that -if ucan afford it, get a dcent multi vitamin, ive listed brands and places earlier on this thread.
    but minimum would be 3 things –

    if u take 1 thing, that u can do daily and see long ter results, get the Silicea by Hubner and use it. that plus cream and cuticle oil shud make ur nails harder and stronrt within 4wks. and amazing by 3-4mths.

    just keep asking more idas or help if u need it – and the more u explain, the easier i can help 🙂


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