6 yrs, 10 mths ago

Botox and fillers

Hi guys,

We’re interviewing an expert on everything there is to know about Botox and fillers.

So what niggling questions do you have about Botox and fillers you’ve always wanted to be answered.

Let me know in the forum below.


Kristy xx

35 comments 20 voices


  • 1 yr, 9 mths ago

    Sorry for jumping in on an old thread, but I’m actually on the hunt for answers to the same questions about Botox and fillers. I’ve always wondered if Botox can actually prevent wrinkles or if it’s just a temporary fix. It’s intriguing how it wears off after a few months. By the way, I’m a big fan of going to spas too. Recently, I tried some filler treatments at this amazing place called Raw Beauty Aesthetics. They’re really good at what they do. If you’re interested, you can check them out at https://rawbeautyaesthetics.com/services/filler-treatment-in-woodland-hills-ca/.

  • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Sometimes it’s easier just to MARK ALL AS READ!

  • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Can anyone please tell me if I have missed this article? I would love to read all about it 🙂

    • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

      Hey Sparkle77 here’s an article from last month but I recall another article as well

      8 things you didn’t know about botox, but probably should

      • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

        Thanks Kassalee. I think it`s an old one?

        _18 NOV 2016 9:30 AM | POSTED BY Beth E`s picture
        BETH E

      • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

        Unfortunately Sparle 77 that info on the article doesn’t come up on my phone (wish I could still go to the full website as it used to be) only on my laptop.

        Comments on this article are from 1 jul 2018 – it must be a republished/recycled article from 2016.

        Can’t even scroll through latest articles on phone – it only gives you the last 8 with no “More” option.

        Using phone is very restrictive but how I access bh 99% of the time.

      • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

        I get the irrits when I am on my phone and I can only see 4 comments at a time. Sometimes I end up deleting some so I can see the comments on the topics that I am really interested in. It has only been on the past few months and it drives me nuts 😀

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Can you have it done in your forehead but still be able to move your eyebrows?

    Some people that have it done are all smooth but they have really deep wrinkles close to the eye and underneath so obviously they can’t inject too close to the eye. Does being paralysed everywhere else create extra stress on other areas that they can’t inject?

    I still would give it a go, lol.

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Is there is a possibility of having a late question answered???

    I would like to know the difference between the various types of fillers. The one I know about is Juvaderm and that is supposed to last around 4 – 6 months.

    However, I have heard there is another that lasts 12-18 months. Is there some further information on that one please???

  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I wonder if years down the track there will be research and find that this all has devastating affects we didn’t know about! Too scared to try

  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Look forward to reading!! Yet to try Botox and fillers and always say never say never but this is something I’d like to be well informed about!!

  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Great questions. Thanks for putting them forward! x

    • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

      When is the article coming out Kirsty I can`t wait to read all about it?

      I would have it done I am just not sure how much it would cost and I don`t want to be too frozen.

  • 6 yrs, 10 mths ago

    My question would be what kind of ongoing testing and audits are in place within the industry to ensure providers are looking after patient safety – not just now but in the long term as well. Remember how we thought solariums were totally safe and then we found out they weren’t? Same with breast implants and other cosmetic procedures.

    I understand that nothing in life is guaranteed and sometimes we can only go on the best information we have at the time, but as consumers it would be reassuring to know that thorough research and testing is rigorous and ongoing as safety should always be the first priority.

  • 6 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I want to know why the cost hasn’t come down. I have had to put mine on hold because it cost me $350 per session.

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