10 yrs, 7 mths ago

Bio-Oil ® mums-to-be group

Hi beauties,

A few of the members of the bh team have recently become mothers (hooray!). And one of the things they rave about is the support and knowledge they receive from fellow mums in their Mother’s Group.

We wanted to create a similar support group on beautyheaven for any mums-to-be, so have partnered with Bio Oil ® to create a ‘Bio Oil ® mums-to-be group’.

In this forum thread you can post any questions you might have about preparing for motherhood, skincare concerns, body fears and how to best look after yourself on your exciting journey.

Every month we will choose a selection of the questions and topics posted in this thread to be answered by a Tresillian nurse (and if you’ve ever had kids before, you’ll know their advice is GOLD!).


On top of having access to the experts at your fingertips, we’ll also be giving away fortnightly Bio-Oil ® mum-to-be PRIZE PACKS to participating members. These packs contain a bottle of Bio-Oil ®, a cosy towelling bath robe and a beautifully-scented Cocoa and Kaffir Lime Glasshouse Candle – everything you need for total bliss prior to the birth of your bub!

So what are you all waiting for? We can’t wait to hear your stories and help to answers your questions!

bh x

402 comments 32 voices


  • 7 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I’m loving bio oil 🙂

  • 8 yrs ago

    Some great advice here, I want to pass it on to my friend who has just had her second daughter.

  • 8 yrs, 12 mths ago

    The gorgeous Marina is expecting a bub and is due soon 🙂

  • 8 yrs, 12 mths ago

    Hard to believe I now have an 18 month old! (and nearly 12 and 15 yr old) Any other BH babies since these little cuties?

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Hi ladies! My goodness it has been a while since I have had a chance to log on and see what has been happening with you all!
    Luna is 9.5 months old now, can you believe it? How is everyone?

  • 9 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Here’s a photo of my little man, 4 months! Crazy!
    He’s already eating me out of house and home, wait till he’s a teenager!!! Lol

    What a cutie!

  • 9 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Here’s a photo of my little man, 4 months! Crazy!
    He’s already eating me out of house and home, wait till he’s a teenager!!! Lol

    Aaaawww! Cutie!

  • 9 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Here’s a photo of my little man, 4 months! Crazy!
    He’s already eating me out of house and home, wait till he’s a teenager!!! Lol

  • 9 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Hey ladies,

    I’m a member of another website which offers trials of products, etc. I received an email from them today asking me to help them find suitable people for a new campaign (Not sure why they asked me but I assume its because they know I have a blog?) anywho, I think those of you in this thread might be interested in signing up for it. 🙂

    I’ve copied and pasted the text from the email they sent me below:

    ”We’ve got a project coming up for parents of kids around very specific ages and we thought who better to help us find them then highly connected Soupers like you?

    For this project, we’re on the hunt for parents whose kids are on the verge of big diet changes, specifically bubs around the 2-4 months mark.

    So, if you know of mums or dads with bubs around 2-4 months, we’d love to get them involved.

    Please just forward them this link to apply:


    Soup send these emails to all subscribers when they need participants outside of their mailing list.

    I think they’re after people to sample cerelac baby rice cereal for babies starting solids.

  • 9 yrs, 12 mths ago

    Hey ladies,

    I’m a member of another website which offers trials of products, etc. I received an email from them today asking me to help them find suitable people for a new campaign (Not sure why they asked me but I assume its because they know I have a blog?) anywho, I think those of you in this thread might be interested in signing up for it. 🙂

    I’ve copied and pasted the text from the email they sent me below:

    ”We’ve got a project coming up for parents of kids around very specific ages and we thought who better to help us find them then highly connected Soupers like you?

    For this project, we’re on the hunt for parents whose kids are on the verge of big diet changes, specifically bubs around the 2-4 months mark.

    So, if you know of mums or dads with bubs around 2-4 months, we’d love to get them involved.

    Please just forward them this link to apply:


    Soup send these emails to all subscribers when they need participants outside of their mailing list.

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