2 yrs, 1 mth ago

Accepting Trial Team Invites **Important information

Hi beauties,

A few of you have reached out off the back of a few trial invites that have gone out this week to let us know that you’re experiencing issues accepting the trial.

Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention.

I have included below some steps to take to allow you to accept the trial invite. If you continue to experience the issue please email info@beautyheaven.com.au:

1. Clear your cache which is your browsing history
2. Make sure you’re logged in
3. Try log out and log back in
4. Please be patient as it can take a few seconds to show the login page, and a few more seconds after login to show the updated form

bh Team xx

112 comments 44 voices


  • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

    Hi Everyone! Does anyone know What’s the selection process after the invite? I’m new to by and I’ve been reading that some people has missed out because the trial team was full so I’m curious how people get selected once they’ve registered their interest.

    I think it makes sense having different trial teams catered for different demographics as the brands would want reviews from targeted age groups.

    Totally understand that everyone’s excited about trying new products. I just want to manage my expectation given that I’m new. I got into bh because I was googling some skincare reviews and I really liked the layout of bh community!

  • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

    I get way less invitations for trials than I used to few years ago. I didn’t qualify for any of them. I was lucky to get the Discovery Bag, not sure if that counts as a trial, I assume so. Could be the age , I’m mid 40s, most trials are for younger members.

  • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

    I just had a look on my account to see when I last had a trial and it has been 6 month ago and as for getting discovery bags I have NEVER in all the time I have been with BH received one or even won a prize. I know its probably my age but It would be so NICE to get something. Oh well I will just do my usual forum answers and even start up a new one new and again.I thought I had better add my age in case people don’t know I am 80 years old. with the mind of a 6 year old ha ha.

    • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

      @Shaper to win a prize has nothing to do with your age. So many members here at BH these days. I think I only won twice with a prize but that was way, way back now. It just seems that some people sign up just to win or get trials…..you hardly ever see them on the forums.

      I have had a DB in the past and would have been in my late 50s so it doesn’t have too much to do with age either. Generally you just have to be on here to see when they have one going. They don’t seem to be on as much as they used to be….unless I haven’t been on when they come on.

  • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

    The only trials I seem to be getting are the events that they host in their office like natural beauty month, glosscars and best in beauty. I haven’t received any other trial invitations in years, but to be fair, I really enjoy attending the events. I just wish there were more of them and more trial opportunities.

  • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

    I’ve only won one competition in 12 years of being a member and haven’t been part of the trial team for a few years. Hope to be selected sometime soon.

    • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

      I think members Forget that the bh events at their HO are also “trials” or if these products are sent to you.

      You use the products and write a review that is marked TRIAL TEAM TESTED.

      So if you have attended 1,2 or 3 of these events during the year, you have been on many trials!

    • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

      @Ageless.beauty Weren’t you on the trial team for the Elizabeth Arden Advanced Light Ceramide Capsules in March this year and the trial team for the L’Oréal Professionnel Metal Detox Concentrated Oil in February before that?

  • 1 yr, 6 mths ago

    Went through a stage where I was receiving lots of trials and was also fortunate enough to win some prizes and discovery bags. Don’t think I’ve received a trial invite for a year, let alone be accepted.

  • 1 yr, 6 mths ago

    I also have not had any offers for trials for quite some time. I have emailed them twice and not had a response at all. I was registered for trials and I understand certain criteria the companies request but also noticed that there are some members in similar demographic as myself and the products are suited to my demographic so I can’t understand why sometimes we see the same members invited.

    There is no longer an area to apply for trials either like there was on the previous website. We were advised to write if we didn’t get an offer over a certain period of time but I think they have now changed the rules, or we are just left out or forgotten.

    • 1 yr, 5 mths ago

      @Am1851 I just celebrated my 16 months of not having a trial. Still counting. It is frustrating but I can’t be bothered worrying about it these days. Candy Crush and doing Surveys keep my brain busy these days.

    • 1 yr, 6 mths ago

      @Am1851 I am not sure whether this affects your candidacy for a trial but you may want to submit a review this year since your last review was just over a year ago.

    • 1 yr, 6 mths ago

      @Am1851 – same with me, have sent numerous emails in all different contact ways and never hear back. I get a response email to say they will answer within 24-48 hours but nothing eventuates.

      I have done reviews for products that I use here but the weird thing is on one of the competition pages I couldn’t access it and mentioned it on the article and bingo, they emailed me as to what was the problem.

      Just know you aren’t the only one having the problems though. I belong to another site where I can do reviews on food and beauty products and other things so at least I can do reviews there which keep me busy. I don’t get anything out of it except points that I can cash in for a gift card which is great.

    • 1 yr, 6 mths ago

      I havent had any invites either.
      I will do some reviews to see if that helps.

    • 1 yr, 6 mths ago

      Hi Am1851, I don’t know if it influences their choice but you could try doing some new reviews, it might put you back on their radar. Good luck.

  • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

    Those who haven’t received an invitation to the Natural Beauty Event please see new post from @Team bh – you can send email

    @Normap @Jatz

    • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

      @Jupiter – I am not in Sydney.

      I have sent emails to BH to actually see if I am on the Trial Team still but never hear back from them. Not much more I can do.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Hey Jatz. I emailed them yesterday about another thing and while I was there asked whether I had been removed from the Trial Team or Review Crew. They replied quickly and assured me I hadn’t. As Ethelinde has suggested in the past, the best time I think to email them is during business hours. Good luck

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        @Okatko – I did an email yesterday as well but haven’t heard anything back yet. It is so frustrating. If I get time tomorrow will try yet again. Surely someone works in there?

    • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

      Unfortunately I know @Shaper and @Jatz don’t live anywhere near Sydney, @Jupiter and I don’t think @Normap does either. Hopefully there will be a trial team box like there was last year and also hopefully these three plus others who have been waiting ages will get it.

      Hope you have a super time at the event, @Jupiter.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Thank you so much for mentioning that Trish D yes I live in Perth a long way away from the Eastern States. Your so kind and I do appreciate it .

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Oh sorry my bad, thanks @Trish_D. I don’t know if I’ll be going to the event even though I’ve registered my interest, the email said they’ll email us by 8 Aug if we get in. Hope you get a place Trish!

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Thanks @Trish_D, my longer reply didn’t get through

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        I don’t apply, @Jupiter as my mobility isn’t what it used to be!! I do hope you get to go and the rest of us will enjoy hearing about it. It’s a lucky dip with responses, isn’t it?!!

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Trish_D, I too hope you keep on getting trials as you haven’t had as many as others.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Thanks so much, @Gilliey. I’ll be happy to sit back for some time now after the wonderful DB.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Oh I see @Trish_D, in that case I hope you’ll get more at home trials coming your way in.

        I did get a notification that I have a place in the event, very thankful!

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Thanks, @Jupiter, that’s so lovely of you. Delighted for you about the event! Enjoy!! I’ll look forward to hearing about it.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Dear Trish D I know how you feel as I have had 6 back operations which have left my legs very unsteady and I now have arthritis in my knees. Plus my husband has just recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s which means he is very unsteady on his feet and now uses a walker. So I cannot leave him alone now he has already had 7 falls. Oh its great getting old. 😉 I am not complaining as there are lot of people worse off then us. Keep well and I hope you can do a lot more soon.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Thanks, @Shaper! I am extremely thankful that I am well and just have less than great legs these days!! I do sympathise with you about the back operations. That can’t be easy. Take care – my Discovery Bag has made up for being sure I’d been removed from the Trial Teams so hope you get something equally as good SOON. Take care.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Shaper you deserve a trial, must be ages since you’ve trialled.

      • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

        Yes Gilliey it has been a while and than thank you for mentioning it. But I get what I get and its no good complaining as BH has mentioned before there are now a lot of members, a lot more when we first became members.

  • 1 yr, 7 mths ago

    @Team bh, I just received an invitation to the Natural Beauty Month Marketplace Event, thank you.

    Unfortunately the Microsoft Office form to register session times is not accessible. Even if I use my microsoft account login, it says

    “You can’t sign in here with a personal account. Use your work or school account instead.”

  • 1 yr, 8 mths ago

    Have just had an invite to the BH beauty month but I can’t open the sessions times link (says I don’t have permission to view or respond). Anyone else had this problem? I am emailing BH to let them know.

    • 1 yr, 8 mths ago

      It looks like the issue has been fixed – see new email

    • 1 yr, 8 mths ago

      My two comments here tagging @Team bh won’t post

    • 1 yr, 8 mths ago

      Same problem here, it’s a Microsoft office form, and when I try to login I get “You can’t sign in here with a personal account. Use your work or school account instead.”

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