The gorgeous Miss P has long proved that she’s far more than just a pretty face; the down to earth Sydneysider enjoys writing and you’ll soon see her turn her hand to reporting from the uber-cool catwalks of London.
Here she shares her “magic trio” of tips, the beauty product that you’ll never see her without and whom she’d love to share some nibbles with…
What’s the most interesting or unique beauty product you own?
Trilogy Booster Capsules. They’re little balls that look like vitamins, but are full of magic moisturising oil. Perfect for when you’re flying as they’re definitely under the liquid allowance!
The best beauty tip I’ve ever heard is…
The simple magic trio: wear sunscreen, don’t smoke and never, ever, go to bed without washing your face.
Name a worst-ever beauty blunder.
Failing to prep skin properly before applying make-up. Mine just won’t look right unless I’ve hit it up with Trilogy Gentle Facial Exfoliant and Napoleon Perdis Auto Pilot Pre-foundation Primer.
Who’s your beauty icon and why?
Sophia Loren who sleeps every night with her face covered with olive oil and towels. That is COMMITTMENT!
What’s on your bedside table?
Trilogy Aromatic Body Treatment Oil, Benefit EyeCon eye cream and a pale pink satin eye mask – much more luxurious than those scratchy airline ones.
What’s the last beauty item you bought?
Benefit Dr. Feelgood. It’s a balm that smooths your complexion and is an easy alternative to make-up… But it sounds so naughty!
What’s the most interesting place you’ve travelled to and why?
Tokyo. I’ve spent quite a bit of time there for work and it truly seems like another planet. Their culture, ethics, and laws – everything is so completely different to the western world. People still smoke inside there (I have a burn on my arm from someone dancing while smoking to prove it!) and you never see anyone eating while walking about. It’s wonderful shooting there though, as the make-up artists are trained to begin by giving models a five-minute facial. Heaven!
What must-have beauty product would you not leave home without?
Napoleon Perdis Peepshow Madame Crystal clear mascara to subtly define eyelashes and tame my crazy brows!
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what three beauty products would you want with you?
NIVEA SUN Light Feel Everyday Sun Lotion SPF30+ (it has high SPF protection minus that thick paste sensation), Sebastian Professional Hydre Conditioner (to quench my hair’s thirst after all that salt and sun) and Benefit BADgal Waterproof Lash Mascara (for when my undoubtedly handsome rescuer finds me paddling about like a mermaid!).
If you weren’t doing this job you’d be…
Writing or working as a proof reader/editor. I still try to do the former as much as possible and study a course by correspondence for the latter in my spare time.
What’s the most unexpected thing we might find you doing?
Catching public transport! Since going vegetarian I’ve become increasingly concerned about environmental issues and try to do what I can to help, wherever possible.
What’s next?
I’m going to be doing some reporting for Fashion TV at London Fashion Week, which I’m ludicrously excited about. I’m also looking into some television options and would like to do more acting soon.
Who would be on your dream dinner party guest list?
Conan O’Brien, Karl Lagerfeld, Ellen DeGeneres, Daniel Radcliffe and Julie Andrews. I think I would be too excited to eat!
Image courtsey of April Rose Pengilly