Has anyone else noticed there are a lot of hats around lately? It’s beginning to grate on the nerves a little actually if I’m being honest.
And yes, before you all say it, I know it’s racing season: we do have a whole issue dedicated to it after all! It’s just, what with all the hat harping and abundance of caps on the catwalk, I’m a bit – dare I say it – over the whole headgear thing…and Melbourne Cup isn’t even upon us yet.
Before you cast me off as one of those un-hat people (that real hat-head people laugh at), I’ll have you know that many-a-bonnet has graced this head, and hopefully – if I can get over my current case of bonnet-itus – many more will.
It’s not that I’m precious about my ponytail either. I may be a beauty editor but that doesn’t mean I boast tailored tresses at all times. I’m quite partial to a messy do. Oh alright, a styled-messy do. What can I say?
Ultimately, I think it’s the fact that the spring/summer 2009 catwalks have spoken – and the God of hats (let’s call him Hatius) has reigned supreme: they’re here to stay. Now I’m wise enough to know now (in my 25th year) that all trends are recycled – my Nan will tell anyone who listens that I got my lipstick tastes from her, not MAC as I’ve tried to correct her on several occasions – but the same hats are rolled out year after year come racing season.
They don’t change drastically, transform into something that makes me think, now I haven’t seen that since 1999, and, as far as I’m aware, there’s no real season must-have hat for spring and summer – unlike lipsticks (bold) or hair (slicked back).
But hey, I guess that’s why I work in beauty and not hats.
p.s. If you are a hat fan (and not Miss Grumpy Pants like me) then you’ll love our Racy lady feature. Alternatively if you’re a fellow MGP there are also hat-free alternatives.