When your teeth are stained, a little on the yellow side or just not as white and bright as you’d like them to be, it can really affect your self-confidence.
So to help our members embrace every moment and feel more confident this Spring, we sent bh’s Caitlin (who confessed, “I don’t like to smile in photos”) and two beautyheaven members to trial and review the Philips Zoom Light Activation Teeth Whitening Treatment. This is a professional treatment, so we organised for them to visit Bondi dentist Dr Michael Tam at Smile By Design.
Dr Tam completed a quick pre-assessment of each person’s teeth and then performed the Zoom teeth whitening treatment. If you’re considering teeth whitening, it’s important to visit your dentist first, so they can assess your suitability for the treatment. The treatment itself takes just 45 minutes – talk about speedy! – and results can be immediate, with teeth up to eight shades whiter.
In the video above, we show what’s involved in the treatment and our triallers tell us exactly what they thought of the teeth-whitening process, including whether they felt any pain and what they thought of the results. Not to mention you get to see a close-up of their teeth before and after the Philips Zoom whitening treatment.
And if you’d like more information or to try the treatment for yourself, simply head to the Philips Zoom website where you can read more about it and find your nearest Philips Zoom whitening dentist.
What did you think of the results? Is professional teeth whitening something you’d love to do?
Yeh I like seeing the results too.
I like the at-home options – just that I don’t like appointments and not sure if I feel like being in that chair if I don’t really have to!
Cost of this?