How to wax your arms at home

How to wax your arms at home

I first waxed my arms a few years ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since. The results are so smooth and long-lasting, and it’s not as hard as you may think. And like with anything else, you’ll only get better with practice. If you’re keen to try waxing your arms at home, check out the video above or read the step-by-step guide below.

#1 Place the Veet Refill into the Veet Easy-Wax Roll On Kit, turn it on and leave to heat up for 20-30 minutes.

#2 Make sure the arm area is clean, then dust on a little baby powder to absorb any excess moisture.

#3 If your arm hair is long, trim it back to 5mm.

#4 Cut the wax strips into twos or threes so they’re a more arm-friendly size.

#5 Check that the Roll On Kit is ready. If it applies smoothly and easily onto a strip, then you’re good to go.

#6 Roll a small section of wax onto your arm, in the direction of your hair growth.

#7 Immediately smooth a wax strip over the section, in the same direction. Leave 1cm at the end so you have something to grab.

#8 If there is somebody around to help you, have them hold the skin taut to remove the wax strip.

#9 Or if you’re by yourself, bend your wrist so your hand is pointing downwards.

#8 Pull the wax strip in the opposite direction of hair growth, holding it close to the skin. Don’t pull upwards.

#9 Repeat in sections along the arm, towards the elbow. Keep the Easy Wax Roll-On device plugged in as you go to keep the wax warm.

#10 Once you’re finished waxing, use a Veet Finishing Wipe to remove any sticky residue.

#11 Admire how hair-free and silky smooth your arms are.

Do you wax your arms? Would you try waxing them at home?

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