For us gals, the prospect of a big day or event is like looking forward to Christmas, only it’s not the presents we’re anticipating, it’s the knockout beauty look we plan to put together. You finally get to use your new highlighter and that nude matte lippy you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Plus a big event means you just have to get your hair done, right? Throw in the compulsory shopping spree for the perfect outfit and you’re sorted… weeks before the actual event (we’re nothing if not organised!). But what about our male counterparts?
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We probably don’t give them enough credit when it comes to prepping for big days. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we thought we’d give the guys a bit of love and check out some male celeb inspo and pick some beauty products to help achieve the looks. And if I have to troll through endless shirtless celeb photos to find the best shots then so be it…
What’s your favourite male beauty inspiration from the celebs above?