Painting the nails of your dominant hand without becoming a shaking mess takes years of practice. It’s exactly why a chic-as-anything right hand and trainwreck of a left hand has become our signature look.
And while we’ve spent hours lusting over intricate nail art and crisp French manicures, we also understand that tackling designs as ambitious as these would require the precision and steady hand of a highly-skilled ninja.
Or, as it turns out, the assistance of a makeup sponge.

The latest in viral TikTok videos has mere nail painting mortals like ourselves, (and by that we mean, not professional manicurists) mastering a French-tip set of nails in seconds, without a single tear shed.
TikTok user @mariazarkova14 even praised this nail hack for being “less messy and using less polish” to other intricate methods – music to our tidy and frugal ears. Her only advice is, “you need to be quick, as the polish dries quickly”. Watch the full video here or follow the simple breakdown below.
What you’ll need:
1 x beauty sponge
1 x nail polish (or several if you want to recreate the multi-colour tips from @thehangedit’s video, here)
Paint the sponge with the nail polish of your choosing, and immediately dip the tip of your nail into the polish, covering your nail in the areas a French tip would sit.
And that’s it. That’s the hack.
I used to change my polish, shellac weekly but tend to keep my nails short and natural now I usually only wear polish if I have a event on now but that sounds like a brilliant hack and I love the multicolours, I feel like this would be a super fun activity to do in lockdown. 🙂
Cute for teens!!
I’m loving this nail trend.
I don’t quite “get” tips – I prefer a full nail of colour.
Nope….not really my thing. Wonder why its called “French” as im sure if you asked for this in France they would not be impressed.
These nails are cute and look fairly easy to do.
Just too lazy to bother with this trend.
Wow great video lovely Colours and I love the idea of the makeup sponge, simple but effective but I still prefer the proper French Manicure look might have to get some, Acrylic Nails as my own nails won’t grow and become brittle.
Prefer the traditional French Manicure.
Doesn’t do it for me -I prefer full nails – Would be fun to try for a change just to know how to do it though.
I’ll have to try that out!
Easy as. Never personally liked french mani, even plain white tipped. But then again, I have hands and nails of a man (literally. Men my height all have smaller hands… even taller ones about 185 cm have smaller hands.). So not pretty imo to do this “delicate” looking mani.
I love it but it looks easier said than done! I’m sure my attempt would be an epic fail lol
Hmm, that would look plain silly on my nails but whatever floats peoples boats….
Interesting but if your nails are short how do you stop it going all over your fingers?
Chrystalage, no one could have put this better!!!!! My thoughts exactly!
So cute
Very cute look – definitely not my thing but good for kiddies.
I love this nail look.
I’d try this for the classic french manicure. I’ve also thought about using those
re-inforced hole stickers? they might work as a stencil.
It would suit some hands and not others. I prefer full nail coverage.
Not for me.
Very clever.
This is really smart.
I’m not keen on the coloured tips look, I prefer the whole nail coloured.
That is a pretty good hack.
I love this! And I love coloured tips! Definitely trying it out this weekend
Not for me!
I don’t like this look, I prefer the whole nail coloured Using glitter or transfers for stand out effect would look better to me
very pretty
The multi-coloured tips are so cute!
Love the look, but couldn’t be bothered with that….
Not a look for me but this is a great tip!
Very cute mani!
OMG! going to try this right now
It looks ok.
I manage to smudge/chip nail polish within minutes of applying it – hats off to those who’re far more careful than me!
I haven’t seen this before! I’d like to try it out thought looks lovely. but I feel like it’s harder than it looks haha I find nail hard to deal with.
Thanks for your instructions. i will learn how to paint your nails, very beautiful and outstanding.
Looks so easy! Might give it a try myself!
Not for me
What a fantastic hack.
While I don’t wear polish, I do love colourful nails!
It’s a cute look!
Will have to try some of these with my daughter over the school holidays