The dos and don’ts of waxing

The dos and don’ts of waxing

Waxing is one of those tasks that many of us brand as ‘too difficult’ to do ourselves and choose to leave to the professionals for fear of making a mistake. Not only does this mean finding extra money – but also enough time to get to your beautician.

What we’re here to tell you though is that waxing your face and body is actually really easy to do yourself at home – all you need are a few good instructions and some great DIY waxing products like those from Veet, which produces some of most effective, easy-to-use at-home hair removal solutions.

To ensure your DIY waxing is as smooth in its execution as it is in its final result, we sought out the help of Veet Beauty Director Amy Erbacher to give us a few dos and don’ts of at-home waxing…


ensure you exfoliate the night before waxing, as dead skin cells can clog hair follicles and cause ingrown hairs.


wax over sunburn. The skin in that area is already damaged – and any further trauma may damage your skin even more!


a patch test if you’re using a product for the first time. To do this, simply apply a 10-cent-sized amount of wax to the inside of your elbow and leave it for five minutes before removing. If after 12 to 24 hours you can’t see any signs of irritation, you’re okay to use the wax!


apply wax to your skin before checking that it’s at the right temperature. The Veet EasyWax™ Electrical Roll-on Kit warms up to the perfect temperature in order to distribute an even, mess-free layer of warm wax to your skin – but it’s always a good idea to test the temperature of any wax on the inside of your wrist before application.


hold taut the skin on your face or body while removing the wax strip to ensure more effective hair removal and prevent bruising.


worry if you make a mistake with your wax application. Both the Veet EasyWax™ Electrical Roll-on Kit and Veet EasyGrip Ready-To-Use Wax Strips contain Perfect Finish Wipes that are specifically formulated to effectively remove excess wax, while Veet Precision Wax & Care can be rinsed off with water.


look for an aftercare product with soothing, calming and anti-inflammatory ingredients like calendula, oatmeal or aloe vera. Veet Face Precision Wax & Care features a Soothing Aftercare Cream with aloe vera to help nourish and soothe your just-waxed skin.

What are your best tips for DIY waxing at home? Which product do you think sounds most ideal for you to use at home?

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