Now that we’ve said goodbye to summer, we’re all about prepping ourselves properly for an inevitable cold front. This means ensuring that our skin stays soft and supple, and our hair healthy and vibrant.
So in order to make your body the best it can be (along with some other parched parts of you), it’s imperative to arm yourself with some heavy-duty hydrators – they’ll guarantee your thirsty skin and hair stay quenched and thoroughly moisturised throughout the colder months.

AHAVA Enriched Intensive Foot Cream
“A foot cream… having never tried one before I thought this was something different for me to use. I expected it to leave me sliding across the floor on oily feet but I was impressed that it didn’t happen. This light cream is easily absorbed into the skin. I rubbed the cream all over my foot (tried to con someone else to do it but it didn’t work) so I gave myself a nice foot massage in the process. It was wonderful, my feet felt soft and smooth and so refreshed afterwards – and guess what? No oily footprints left behind!” Rating: 5/5 – pink shoes
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