You know that game where someone says a word and you have to say the first thing that comes to your mind? Let’s play! We’ll go first: anti-ageing skin care.
Did you think about your face? If the answer is yes, we can understand why.
More often than not, we’re so laser-focused on preventing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sun damage from our neck up, that we forget about the rest of our body. Which, in reality, seems kind of crazy considering our face (though it’s arguably the most important part) only accounts for such a small portion of our skin.
The truth is, caring for the skin on our bodies doesn’t have to be time-consuming. What it does have to be, however, is a priority. And with these easy-to-follow tips, youth-proofing your body from top-to-toe is something that can be worked seamlessly into your routine.
#1 Drink like a (healthy) fish
Never underestimate the power of drinking water. Even the mildest levels of dehydration can have a great impact on both our mental and physical health. From increasing our energy levels, balancing our mood and even increasing the elasticity of our skin, this step should not be overlooked if you’re hoping to feel (and look) younger.
#2 Don’t stop your SPF at your face
The importance of applying SPF to our faces (hopefully) doesn’t come as a surprise. If you’re spending money on expensive anti-ageing lotions and potions but skipping your daily sunscreen, you may as well be throwing your money out the window. Seriously.
Not to mention the fact that it takes only five sunburns before the age of 20 to increase your risk of a melanoma by 80 per cent.* Plus, the downside of living in a country with one of the highest UV exposure rates in the world means that Australian women visibly age up to 20 years faster than those in the US**.
But the thing about skin cancer, texturised skin, age spots and wrinkles, is they can appear across your entire body, not just your face. So whether it’s that small part of your décolletage that’s showing in your long-sleeve shirt or your shoulders that make a regular appearance in your summer wardrobe, exposed skin is compromised skin and it needs to be covered in SPF. Simple as that.
For your face, seek out an SPF like the La Roche-Posay Anthelios Invisible Fluid SPF50+ ($35.95 at La Roche-Posay), which is lightweight, offers an invisible finish and is suitable for daily wear. Next, get dressed and assess which parts of your body are on show. Once you’ve identified them, apply a layer of the quick-drying, invisible finish La Roche-Posay Anthelios Invisible Spray SPF50+ ($39.95 at La Roche Posay) to ensure they’re protected. If you’re heading for a swim, swap out your regular body SPF for the Anthelios Wet Skin SPF50+ ($42.95 at La Roche Posay). This water-resistant formulation can be applied directly to wet skin.

#3 Dry body brushing
Our skin naturally sheds layers of dead skin. But as we age, this process slows down and becomes less efficient, leading to lacklustre, textured and sagging skin. However, with regular, gentle body brushing you can help to promote freshly oxygenated blood to the surface of the skin, helping it to become smoother, firmer and more toned.
#4 Low impact cardio
Whether it’s swimming, walking, cycling or even dancing, low impact cardio is a sustainable way to reap the benefits of exercise without the risk of injury or putting too much pressure on your joints. Complemented with low impact strength workouts like Pilates or high repetitions of low weights, you’ll be helping your muscles to stay strong, your body to remain toned and your mind to stay sharp.
#5 Nourishing foods
A balanced diet is a good diet. Eat the rainbow, enjoy everything in moderation, and if you’re struggling with your intake of certain nutrients, speak to your health professional about introducing a supplement.
#6 Don’t skimp on your sleep
A bad night’s sleep will result in more than just feeling a little tired the next morning. Without your eight hours, expect to see your metabolism, energy levels, mood and immunity all impacted. In fact, it’s fair to say that each of the above five steps all have the potential to be directly affected when you’re feeling exhausted. And so, a negative cycle begins.
*Journal – (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev June 2 2014 23 (6) 1080-1089)
** Australasian Journal of Dermatology (2017): Comparison of self-reported signs of facial ageing.
Apply 20 minutes before sun exposure. Sunscreen is only one part of sun protection so wear protective clothing and seek shade. Avoid prolonged sun exposure.
Reapply every 2 hours and after swimming, towelling and perspiring in accordance with directions.

All very good pieces of advice.
I agree all good
yes a good article and I have a lot to learn
Enjoyed reading this article today.
Yes I enjoyed reading this too . I must increase my fluids
Great advice!
All good advice and all I need to do better at!
Heaps of fruits, lots of sleep, zero worries and a genuine friend…all one needs for perfect health.
Yes we all need these things, not always so easy especially the sleep
So very true Yohanna
I agree, my 85 year old mum eats lots of fruit and she rarely even gets a cold and still drives and socializes (without alcohol).
I have to start dry body brushing again!
Great tips, thanks for sharing.
Great realistic tips thanks bh!
SPF for lips and hair is my new thing.
How does one do SPF for hair?
I don’t do dry brushing but should take it up again.
This is a great article really enjoyed this one.
Yes it makes sense
Youth-proof sounds like it’s a preventive for looking youthful, haha! I guess the more logical term, age-proof, sounds too negative.
All sensible advice.
Ha Ha -didn’t think it of it like that and now I can’t unsee it !!
I thought that too, shouldn’t it be age-proof?
Some great tips here.
Thanks So Much BH for such great Advice this is such a great article.
Very good advice
So much to do now lol
I like tip #1 Drink like a (healthy) fish.
I think Kate Hudson looks like she’s had some work done to her face. It’s shape seems to have changed.
Excellent advice for all.
#6, room for improvement with sleep. Diet, generally really good, need to more body brushing
Good advice but sometimes I fall by the wayside.
Yes Onlyoni -I need to take more care
Me too. Unfortunately
You’re not alone with that Only!
yep sleep exercise nutrition
sounds easy -Why is it not ??
distractions 🙂
Yep, such good, simple advice
All very good tips
I started light exercises after reading this and made sure I took time to drink water which I neer think to do -It’s a start
These are genuinely helpful and sensible pieces of advice.
Add “Do not ever smoke!”, my biggest regret left me with damage to my skin.
Good tips here, sunscreen the most important these days
Yes with that ozone hole
I really enjoy the experience of dry body brushing.
After being on holidays in a different timezone I’m still sort of adjusting my sleep pattern. I adjusted easily when I’d arrived there but different coming back
Melatonin is your friend if this is still an issue. My GP prescribed me some
thanks rinny 🙂
Good advice.
Always good to Drink like a (healthy) fish. I try but dont do too well.
I really need to try out dry brushing, otherwise I do alright at everything else except sleep sometimes
Very good advice, especially SPF
good reminder to pick up the weights again!
Good, common sense advice
Really good advice that i agree with, and this is something i try and follow as much i can
I have been trying to overindulge in sleep as I attempt to stay off socials less before bed.
this will probably help a lot
I do try and do most of these
I’m good with the SPF50.
Good advice.
interesting article